Is it possible to use automatic powder for hand washing, and vice versa?

Laundry washing powder is an affordable and highly effective product that removes dirt from various materials. Some preparations are designed specifically for hand washing, others for automatic washing machines. Not all people know how these two varieties differ, and why it is so important to use the powder strictly according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Differences between powder for hand washing and that intended for automatic washing machines

Preparations for both hand washing and automatic washing machines clean fabric fibers equally well.

washing powders

However, they have quite significant differences:

  • Powder for hand washing has increased foaming. It is dissolved manually, while in an automatic machine this process occurs much faster. Washing machines do not require a large amount of foam, and manufacturers add special components to reduce it. Different composition, despite the fact that the active ingredient is the same.
  • Hand wash detergent may contain chemicals, chlorine and other substances that have a negative effect on machine parts. The automatic powder contains a special additive, which is made on the basis of organic acid.It prevents the formation of scale on the surface of the drum.
  • Dissolution of granules. In manual mode, the automatic product may not dissolve 100%.
  • The hand wash product contains skin protective ingredients that can cause harm to the machine and even damage it. When working with automatic powder, it is better to wear rubber gloves, and in special situations, a gauze bandage. If these simple safety measures are not taken into account, peeling, skin irritation and allergic reactions are possible.

Attention! Many people are still convinced that the automatic powder is just another cunning marketing ploy, and in fact it is a familiar product under a different name.

Can I wash it by hand with automatic powder?

Knowing the differences between the two products and the nuances of their use, you can effectively do the job with an automatic powder. In this case, you will need much less money than usual. First you need to pour water into a bowl and completely dilute the powder in it. This may take longer than with a regular product.

Due to the lack of immediate accumulation of foam, it may seem that the product is not performing its function or there is not enough of it. Washing in automatic mode has a prolonged effect on the laundry, and its intensity is determined by the user’s settings. The quality of the manual method will directly depend on the physical force applied.

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Reference! From the point of view of the family budget, it is irrational to use automatic washing powder by hand, since it is more expensive.

After completing the process, clothes should be rinsed thoroughly several times. The components tend to settle in the texture and are difficult to wash out.Penetrating through the pores into the blood, they accumulate in the internal organs and have a negative effect on the human body. For the same reason, when pouring powder, the packaging should not be raised high so that the granules do not get into the respiratory tract. For washing children's clothes, it is better to avoid this product.

Important! Sometimes the white mixture contains grains of blue pigment. If these particles are not dissolved, streaks may remain on light-colored clothing.

Can I use hand washing powder in an automatic machine?

It is highly not recommended to use products intended for hand washing in washing machines. Of course, if you mistakenly fill the powder container with it, nothing criminal will happen and it is unlikely that breakdowns and malfunctions will appear immediately.

machine washable

In some cases, when purchasing a low-quality product, the washing machine may not pick it up well, and some of the product remains in the container. There are cases when increased foaming disrupts the programmed mode.

Measuring instruments that monitor the process may go astray. As a result, the mass of water or its heating will be incorrectly calculated. Non-joining may also occur during the rinsing stage if the hoses are excessively clogged with foam.

In addition, each powder manufacturer tests the product and sets the recommended dosage for both machine and hand wash. Accordingly, you will have to use the powder at your own discretion, and the result is most often disappointing. However, in this case, you cannot blame the manufacturer and the product, because in other conditions it will do its job perfectly.

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Reference! Buying a powder machine is more advisable from the point of view of saving money.It is more concentrated, and you need several times less of it than the usual powder.

When looking at multi-colored bags on store shelves, it is important to understand that they differ not only in price and volume, but also in composition. You should know that the drug is effective only when used as directed. This will help you get high-quality results and keep your equipment in working condition for a long time.

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