How to wash so that your washing machine lasts longer

The long life of a washing machine begins with proper installation. And this means not only the alignment of equipment along the horizontal and vertical axis. It is also important to consider what surface it stands on. The support must be strong, level and resistant to changes in load. If the floor covering is unable to dampen vibrations, then it also makes sense to place a thick rubber mat under the washing machine. However, correct installation alone does not guarantee long service life. Today I will talk about other precautions that will help maintain the health of your equipment.

How to maintain a washing machine

By keeping water quality in mind, many problems can be avoided. The first of them is scale. Limescale deposits accumulate most intensely on the heating element. However, this does not mean that it does not settle on the drum and filters.

Expensive water softeners added to the washing powder compartment are designed to cope with this problem. Those who want to save money can do preventive cleaning with vinegar or citric acid once a month.

Washing machine drum

But the truly correct solution would be to use high-temperature washing modes only when necessary. By adding chemical descaling methods to this habit, you won’t have to worry about a sudden breakdown of your washing machine.

Important! Don't wait until visible signs of filter clogging appear. Too slow or incomplete drainage of water is already a serious blow to the equipment. You can avoid it by getting into the habit of cleaning the drain and inlet filter at least once every six months. Better yet, do a preventive examination at monthly intervals.

Another useful tip, often ignored by housewives, is leaving the door ajar after washing. Without closing the loading hatch and thereby ensuring the drying of equipment, you can avoid the appearance of a musty smell. And if you remember that it is caused by the proliferation of bacteria, mold and fungi, then an open door will also be a good preventive measure against clogging filters and dispensers.

Basics of using a washing machine correctly

In order for the equipment to serve for a long time, without starting to act up at the most inopportune moment, you should control the loading of the drum. This is not about not jamming it (housewives, taught by bitter experience, have long since stopped doing this). What is meant is a sound assessment of the ability of things to absorb moisture.

Washing machine loaded with laundry

If the manufacturer has indicated a maximum load of, for example, 4.5 kg of dry laundry, then you should proceed from the fact that the rule applies only to cotton. Having measured the volume of the specified number of items made from this material, you should remember that only half of such a pile can be sent to the drum if you have to wash synthetics. And only a third in the case when wool is sent to the drum.

In addition to overload, imbalance can also cause problems. Therefore it is important:

  • Sort items by material before loading them into the drum.
  • Send small items to the bag provided for this purpose.
  • Combine large items with smaller ones.

Well, the simplest rule: fastened zippers and buttons, coupled with turning clothes inside out, can prevent problems with damage or jamming of the drum. The same problems can be avoided if you don’t forget to check your pockets.

By following the listed rules for maintaining and operating your washing machine, you can achieve its long life. After all, for responsible owners, such equipment works without breakdowns at least three times longer than indicated in the warranty card.

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Washing machines

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