How to properly sort laundry for washing in a machine

There are different ways to wash clothes! And the point is not whether you will clean off dirt with your hands or entrust it to a machine. Her drum is also loaded in different ways. The easiest way is to put an armful of it in the machine and start the unit. Many people do this! And in vain, skipping the important stage of washing - sorting, because you can end up with things whose cleanliness not everyone will be happy with. And the service life of these things will be reduced! That's why experienced housewives don't wash without sorting!

How to properly sort laundry for washing in a machine

Ways to sort laundry

There are different ways. Choose the one that seems most effective and convenient to you.

laundry sorting

By color

The most common way. Fabrics of different colors can release dye, staining neighboring ones (most often colored or black stain white). This leads to almost irreparable damage to clothing.

Therefore, before washing, it is important to divide things into several groups.

  • White, light and black are laid out separately. T-shirts, underwear and cotton clothes go with white.
  • Pink, blue, yellow, pale green and purple are folded separately. You can add grey, blue, red and purple to black.

by color

By weight

Each washing machine contains weight limiter load of laundry. It is important to take this into account to avoid breakdowns.

Advice! It is better to wash heavy items (winter coats, jackets, bedspreads, bed linen) separately so as not to overload the machine.

By fabric

Any fabric, in addition to its material, also differs in its weight. It is necessary to sort it by this criterion for several reasons:

  • it will be possible to maintain the good condition of delicate fabrics;
  • will help protect items from collecting additional lint and fibers from other clothes;
  • The drying process will be significantly accelerated.

How is the separation done?

  • Separate things that tend to lose fiber. Do not wash underwear and blouses with clothes made of lint; things made of pile and fluff together, and so on.
  • Fold out separate natural fabrics and synthetic ones.
  • Separates heavy items from delicate ones, since dense tissues tend to damage thin ones.
  • Denim is washable separately.

sorting methods

According to the degree of pollution

It is recommended to wash very dirty items separately as they need a little more time to get perfectly clean.

Grease and oil stains, dirt from the ground, etc. will stain what is less contaminated. Separate washing will help avoid this.

Important! It is best to soak heavily soiled items before washing using a stain remover.

By washing mode

sorting baskets

This type of sorting directly follows from the previous types. Different things are washed at different temperatures. The same applies to the materials from which clothes are made: silk, wool, cotton, synthetics are washed and wrung out in different modes.

Ignoring this important condition can lead to the fact that the fabric will be damaged, lose its previous shape and things will become unusable.

By owner

This type is relevant in cases where the washing machine is used by several people, who, as a rule, are friends or just neighbors. Therefore, to avoid confusion after washing, it is better to take care of sorting things in advance if they are folded in one place.

Advice! In the family, it is also better to separate children's clothes in order to wash them in a separate cycle.

In the likeness

This applies to those products that are full of stickers, beads and other decorations. They need more delicate washing modes than plain ones or ones without patterns. This is important so that the fabric does not stretch.

How to make sorting laundry easier

laundry baskets

It is quite possible to speed up the sorting process, which some housewives find tedious.

  • If possible, it's better immediately fold laundry into separate groups (in different laundry baskets). Therefore, even in closets, some housewives divide the space for storing dirty laundry into several cells.
  • Agree with members of the entire family or roommates so that everyone adheres to the established sorting rules and puts things in different places. Signs can be hung above each basket.
  • If you have collected few things to wash, and it is important to get them into a clean state as quickly as possible, then you can only stop at sorting the laundry by color. The main thing: choose the most gentle washing mode and use low temperature water. However, this method should not be abused. Repeated violations of the rules of sorting before washing will cause serious damage to things.

Following all these simple tips will protect things from damage and keep them in excellent condition for a long time.

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