Feces and bedbugs: the dangers of wearing new clothes without washing them

Did you know that any new clothes need to be washed before they are put on your body for the first time? We are talking not only about underwear, but also about any other item of clothing, whatever it is - a bra or a suede jacket? Very often, immediately after purchasing, we don’t think much about what troubles an unwashed item might be fraught with. And even more often we can go out in a new thing immediately after purchasing it. Why is it necessary to wash new clothes?

new clothesIf you have never been to the “behind the scenes” of any clothing store, even branded ones, then you should know that what you see might scare you. And, of course, you would never take such an important action so frivolously - the first wash of a newly purchased item.


bedbugsBedbugs live not only in grass, but also in clothes. The most favorite fabrics for these bloodsuckers are fur, cotton, wool, and acrylic. And they can not only live there, but also lay larvae. Nasty insects, of course, also live in the warehouses of clothing stores, where they happily parasitize on things and even accessories. When washing, insects die, especially if the water temperature exceeds 40°C. This is the first reason why a new item must be washed - the presence of small insects on the clothes and inside their fibers.

Feces, sweat, pathogenic bacteria

dirty clothesCan you imagine how many people tried on the item you liked before you? And not all of them, as you understand, can adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and keep their bodies clean. Thus, every time you try on new clothes, traces of someone else’s sweat, germs, various secretions and even feces may remain. This is the second reason that indicates that after purchasing an item you must wash it - it was tried on by other people before you.

Recommendations: how often should you wash clothes?

So, you probably already realized that putting on a new item without first washing it is fraught with some unpleasant consequences, ranging from bedbug bites to worms or diarrhea. Even if it seems that a thing is absolutely clean and there are no visible stains on it, this does not mean that it is not fraught with any other troubles. Therefore, immediately after purchase, try to wash the clothes according to the instructions on the label. Strictly adhere not only to the specified water temperature, but also to the washing mode, as well as the admissibility of spinning and automatic drying.

washAlso, do not forget that the above troubles can occur not only with new clothes, but also if you ignore timely washing of things. How often do you need to wash clothes so that they maintain their appearance and at the same time are safe for your health? Of course, washing should occur as things become dirty. But don't wait months to wash them.

There are unspoken rules that dictate the frequency of washing certain items, even if there is no visible dirt on them. For example, a skirt may seem absolutely clean, but if you wear it every day, the item needs to be washed after 5-7 days.

How should you wash other clothes?

clean clothes

  • trousers – once a week;
  • jeans – once every 10-14 days;
  • shirts - after every second use;
  • skirt, dress – 1 time every 5-7 days;
  • overalls (denim, cotton) – once a week;
  • special clothing – once every 14 days;
  • T-shirts – every 3-4 days;
  • underwear - every day.

For the rest, you should start from your own feelings. In summer, the number of washes can be increased due to intense body sweating, which causes an unpleasant odor. In this case, you should not wait for the next wash and you need to put the item in the drum immediately.

Comments and feedback:

In the title, what is this word “sock”. Basically, a sock is also clothing...


Suede or velor or cashmere jacket WASH!

worker999 all time

A teacher back in 1987 who went through wartime told us about bedbugs and that they die from a cast iron iron in which coals were put, an electric one is not effective... but here it’s just from a temperature of 40 degrees...

I have been here

Bedbugs only die if the water temperature is above 65 degrees. Not every garment can be washed at this temperature.


It feels like bedbugs are not dying from anything. We brought them out almost to the entire entrance. So until almost everything was repaired, nothing helped. No washing or cleaning.


Iron a new item, especially from the inside out, with a hot iron and you will be happy)


If you think like this, then you need to buy everything without trying it on. What's the point of washing it after purchasing it if you've already worn it in the fitting room before?!


Wash trousers – once a week;
wash jeans – once every 10-14 days;
And I wash them once every six months, and nothing - I don’t stink, I don’t catch all sorts of bugs, and at the same time I sweat like everyone else. And so do the men I know.
Obviously, this is propaganda of washing, so that people buy washing machines more often, and also the life of washing machines is exhausted faster, so that new ones are bought or repaired more often.


I personally saw in one store how things were treated with a steam iron after trying on and returning clothes. so the rest is hard to believe


A couple of treatments with a steam iron and it will be noticeable that the thing is a little used (for expensive things this is critical, but for cheap ones there is no point), so it’s unlikely that many stores will do this, and it will take a lot of time. I saw how plastic stickers were stuck to the inside of things in the area of ​​contact with the genitals (on the butt side, by the way, there were no stickers - this is about feces, if anything), but in my entire life I have only seen such stickers once on relatively expensive men's swimming trunks. It was a long time ago, in 2001, even then I was scratching my turnip for a long time - what for, then it dawned on me)))


A friend of mine bought trousers in one of the stores, of course she put them on without washing the new item that same day and regretted it. A couple of days later she was overcome by terrible itching and redness on her oval-shaped legs. Having taken tests from a dermatologist, she learned that she had become infected with some exotic type of cutaneous lichen, which is often found in China and Vietnam.


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