What will happen to the washing machine if you wash it with laundry soap?

I still remember those times when my grandmother and mother washed clothes in basins, constantly changing the water. Powders already existed then, but women preferred to wash with laundry soap the old fashioned way. The linen quickly became clean and pleasant to the body. Today, all washing involves choosing the right washing machine mode and using high-quality powder. But is the proven laundry soap no longer relevant? Is it possible to combine it with modern cars? How will these devices react when interacting with the block? Let's figure it out together.

What will happen to the washing machine if you wash it with laundry soap?

Image source https://youtu.be/joV2oyXZcEc

Is laundry soap suitable for a washing machine?

Laundry soap is an old and proven remedy, made exclusively from natural substances.

Important! Laundry soap is safe for children's clothes and clothes for people with allergies, as it does not contain chemicals or harmful impurities.

can be washed with soap

However, washing in a basin with modern technology is too long and tedious a process. But many housewives do not dare to wash with such a product in an automatic machine, as they are afraid of damaging an expensive household appliance.

To the question about Is it possible to add laundry soap to the machine? You can safely answer: “Yes, you can”!

The main thing is Apply the cleaning agent in doses and carry out regular preventative maintenance of the device.

Important! The main danger to the machine is the animal and vegetable fats contained in the bar. They do not dissolve well and settle on the drum walls and seal pocket.

Preventive actions

To avoid breakdowns, you need to regularly carry out preventive maintenance of household appliances.

  • If the house has soft water, Simply turn on an extra wash each time you use it. It is also necessary to run the device “idle” once a month. In this case, it is better to add citric acid or baking soda to the powder compartment so that they destroy possible deposits.
  • If the water is hard, more thorough prevention is required. You need to buy a special cleanser and use it once every 2-3 weeks. Only by regularly checking the performance of the device can the owner be confident in its long service life.
  • During washing it is also necessary control the amount of foam.

Important! You should know that when washing wool items, there will be much more foam than when washing cotton items. Based on the parameters of the laundry being laid, the amount of crushed bar is dosed.

How to use laundry soap correctly when washing in a machine

You can use soap in a machine in different ways.


Experience of use

  • Some grind the block into chips and place them directly into the drum along with the laundry.

Reference. For 1 kg of laundry you will need 1 tablespoon of grated soap.

  • Other add shavings to the powder compartment.
  • And some prepare a special liquid solution, which is added hot to the detergent tray.

You can use any of these methods, all of them are safe for the device and give good results.

The main thing is to follow the basic rules of such environmentally friendly washing.

  • When selecting a washing mode always set an extra rinse, because the greasy residue from soap is not always immediately washed off from the laundry.
  • Experienced housewives prepare a kind of “jelly” made from soap and soda, which is then used if necessary (2 liters of hot water, 300 g of soap, 4 tablespoons of soda ash).
  • It is advisable to put the grated shavings in hot water, so that it swells, and then add it to the drum along with the laundry.

Important! Always monitor the dosage and do not exceed the recommended volumes. Otherwise, the laundry will not be washed well, and an indelible coating will remain on the internal parts of the machine.

how to use

Image source https://youtu.be/joV2oyXZcEc

For people who want to make their lives more environmentally friendly, use natural products and wear allergy-free clothes, laundry soap is the best option. If you follow simple washing rules, the process will not negatively affect household appliances. Washing costs will be reduced, and you will be pleased with the results!

Comments and feedback:

while you are rubbing the soap with a grater and you won’t want to wash it


Auchan sells powdered and liquid laundry soap


I washed it once on the cotton cycle and the drum of the machine went from shiny to matte. So, I don’t recommend washing with soap.


The only negative is foaming. Soap has a lot of foam and as a result, drain pipes can burst. Therefore, powders are produced for automatic washing and for activator-type machines. There are also powders for hand washing. whoever wants to, let him experiment.


It's not difficult to grate at all. I've been using this method for years now, mixing grated soap with baking soda and essential oils for scent.

Omelchenko Svetlana

I installed a new heating element on the machine (which heats the water). I washed it with soap. Enough for a month. I called the same repairman and he supplied me with a new one free of charge under warranty. I didn’t tell him what I washed with. The coating was terrible and could not be washed off by anything.


My car “Ariston” is a veteran, purchased in 1993. To wash clothes, I make a mixture of soda ash and finely grated laundry soap. I place the mixture in a pocket with a zipper, which I sewed specially from the remnants of a small Teflon window mosquito net.
I put the pocket in the drum along with the laundry. After washing it is empty. I add an alcohol solution of apple cider vinegar with essential oil to the rinse water. Soda ash softens water, and a vinegar solution neutralizes the alkaline reaction of the soap solution. The laundry comes out snow-white, there is no residue left on the machine. Metal surfaces are shiny. Ten was checked by a master recently - in excellent condition.


“Experienced housewives prepare a kind of “jelly” from soap and soda, which they then use if necessary (2 liters of hot water, 300 g of soap, 4 tablespoons of soda ash)” And for washing, how much should you add to the machine?


You are doing nonsense!

Vasily Alibabaevich

Laughed about “No chemicals”
I wonder what then is contained in laundry soap?)



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