5 arguments in favor of a full-size washing machine
Compact narrow washing machines have long won the love of consumers, and demand for them has remained at a stable level for quite a long time. However, such popularity is quite justified, because a smaller model is much easier to fit into a small space, especially if it is already limited by squares. In an attempt to save space, owners choose more compact washing machines.
But why don’t many people consider full-size equipment, because it has several significant advantages over narrow options. Moreover, the comparison concerns quite important characteristics: load volume, clothing care, ease of use and energy efficiency of a household washing machine. Let's analyze it.
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Load capacity
It's no secret that when choosing a washing machine there is one rule: the larger the drum, the more laundry you can wash in a wash cycle. This is precisely the first drawback of narrow devices - their small size does not allow the installation of a wider and more capacious tank. It follows that you will have to wash in very small batches. It is much more difficult to solve the problem with a dirty blanket or a massive down jacket - they simply won’t fit.
And it’s a completely different matter when it comes to a full-size machine - you can easily load up to 8-10 kg of things into it, and that, for a second, is about 5 sets of bed linen, with several pillowcases and sometimes duvet covers. Agree that if you have a large family, then it is much more profitable to have a full-size model at home than to exhaust your machine every day with small amounts of washing.
Clothes care
Narrow models often have reduced functionality compared to their full-size counterparts. Many useful features may be missing, such as pre-soak, drying, anti-crease, extra rinsing, etc.
This leads to the following argument in favor of large models - they have great functionality and many different modes that are aimed at delicate and gentle washing. For example, in some models you can find the UltraCare² system, aimed at fast and high-quality washing. It dissolves the powder or gel in advance, so effectiveness is ensured even at low temperatures.
Energy efficiency
It is believed that the use of small washing machines is much more profitable in economic terms, since due to the narrow drum, the equipment consumes less water and electricity. This is not entirely true, because consumption largely depends on the load of the machine and its manufacturability. In addition, the small volume of the drum in narrow models causes frequent washing, since the load weight is reduced, and this certainly does not lead to savings. By the way, the wear of parts also accelerates.
In many full-size models, wash time and energy consumption are regulated by the system.And this happens for a specific cycle, so you don’t have to rewash the laundry again, which directly affects its appearance and durability. By the way, you also save electricity!
Washing quality
The next important criterion that many people pay attention to when choosing an automatic machine is the quality of washing. Careful care of things is the basis, since you want the device not to shorten the life of the clothes, maintaining their freshness and appearance.
Often in small washing machines the washing class is reduced - as a rule, it is “B” and lower. The reason is quite banal: for high-quality washing you need space (that is, a capacious tank), which, of course, you will not find in narrow models. In other words, the laundry should flop around in the drum - this is the point of washing. Naturally, you can pack 8 kg of things into an oversized model, but what will ultimately happen to them, and to the equipment itself, is another question...
With full-size models, such troubles will not happen: the washing class is higher there, and there is enough space for laundry.
The small volume and weight of narrow washing machines increase vibration, especially during spinning. Owners of such models often complain that the device simply jumps around the bathroom during operation. To make the unit more stable, manufacturers add weight to it. Many users place special rubber bands under their feet for greater shock absorption. But according to some observations, this does not solve the problem.
It is clear that full-size equipment is much heavier, and this is another argument in its favor - it will be more stable.