Virtual wall for robot vacuum cleaner

When choosing a robot vacuum cleaner, the user studies its technical characteristics and tries to choose the most functional device. Modern models from different manufacturers contain a so-called virtual wall. Let's figure out what it is.

Virtual wall for a robot vacuum cleaner - what is it?

To improve the quality of the device, manufacturers work tirelessly to improve it. This applies to the functionality and equipment of the vacuum cleaner. It is for this purpose that the beacon and virtual wall were developed, which are included with many models today.

The program that helps the robot navigate in space is called a virtual wall.

It divides the room into zones and helps to quickly and efficiently clean the room without leaving its boundaries. In addition, using this function, you can limit the vacuum cleaner’s approach to fragile objects so as not to damage them during the procedure, or prohibit entry into other rooms.

The main purpose is to determine the space at a specific moment of cleaning, recording existing obstacles.

virtual wall for robot vacuum cleaner

Principle of operation

Alternative lidar the functionality involves shooting infrared rays from the body of the robot vacuum cleaner. They reach the surface of objects in the room and return to the device again.This way he understands what the distance to the obstacle is and in what period of time he will cover this space.

Using beacons and the virtual wall function, you can create obstacles invisible to the human eye, as well as protect fragile objects. For example, vases or plates for animals must be lifted or fenced for the robot, because it can break or overturn objects.

Also, with the help of this functionality, the device independently determines the distance to the obstacle and this allows it not to get tangled in the curtains or be wary of walking around furniture legs. The camera and lidar perform similar functions, but the kit in this case is more expensive and does not always satisfy the consumer’s requirements.

Some models not equipped with built-in functionality, are able to synchronize with additional equipment. Manufacturers produce a separate device called a “virtual wall”. It is a plastic box that distributes infrared rays invisible to the eye, forming an obstacle for the device, preventing the robot from entering other rooms. The cost of such a gadget is low, and sometimes it comes complete with a robot vacuum cleaner.

A virtual wall is an excellent device that greatly facilitates and improves the process of cleaning a room.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

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