The robot vacuum cleaner's wheel does not spin

Convenient use and functionality have ensured robot vacuum cleaners unprecedented popularity. They are responsible for the cleanliness of the house, saving precious time for the family to be together, and not to do painstaking cleaning. But it happens that the “assistant” breaks down, and the reason here may lie in a malfunction of the chassis.

One wheel of the robot vacuum cleaner does not spin

For many models of household appliances, the wheelbase is considered a weak point. The reason for the vulnerability is constant contact with dirt, wool and hair, as well as the mobility of the mechanism.

The clogged debris fills the undercarriage compartment and breaks the gearbox.

This is one of the most common breakdowns with which owners of miracle technology contact service centers. It is not difficult to determine. Even at home.

The wheel of the robot vacuum cleaner does not spin

How does a robot behave with a faulty wheel?

Usually, smart equipment with such a breakdown stops completely and beeps if it has the appropriate sensors. They prevent the equipment from working, detecting a breakdown in the system. It will be necessary to identify the problem and fix it completely in order for the vacuum cleaner to work again.

It also often happens that the robot simply spins in place. This happens precisely because of one non-working wheel. It does not work, so the machine does not move forward, but makes rotational movements with the motor of one impeller.

What to do?

If you are confident in your abilities and are able to carry out diagnostic work yourself, check the wheel gearbox compartment for clogging. To do this you need to open it. Usually large accumulations of hair, pet hair and small debris are found there, although the compartment is hermetically sealed.

Thorough cleaning and oiling of all gearbox systems will be required.

If the problem is not dirt, the breakdown may lie in a malfunction of the control board or sensors installed in the wheel area. In this case, only service center specialists will help. They will carry out the appropriate diagnostics and then replace the faulty parts. Robot vacuum cleaner will work like new.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers