Why does the vacuum cleaner have poor suction and heat up?

Vacuum cleanerVacuum cleaner - any housewife is familiar with it firsthand. No house cleaning is complete without this device. However, over time, problems may arise in its operation: the device begins to suck up debris poorly or heats up during operation. You should not immediately send it in for repairs or buy a new one - the cause of the malfunction may turn out to be trivially simple, and you can carry out the repair on your own.

Almost every vacuum cleaner has the same design: an inertia-type air pump, which is driven by a brushed electric motor. The pump serves to suck in air flow, which carries away litter, dust, and small debris.

Today, the following types of dust collectors are used in vacuum cleaners:

  • bags;
  • water containers;
  • cyclone filters.

After filtering the air in the dust collector, the air flow passes through a fine filter - it collects the smallest dust particles that can slip through the dust collection container.

If the vacuum cleaner does not suck up dust

The reasons for poor absorption of debris and dust may be the same as for overheating. To identify the problem, you should perform the following steps step by step:

  1. First, be sure to disconnect the device from the network;
  2. Next, a general inspection of the device is carried out;
  3. It is worth making sure that the selected mode is correct - perhaps the parameters are simply wrong;
  4. If all this does not help, then you should disassemble the unit: disconnect the pipe and brushes, then remove the body and inspect the insides (dust bag or container, filters, engine).

If a malfunction is detected, you should begin to eliminate it.Vacuum cleaner

The bag is overflowing

A common reason for weak vacuum cleaner traction can be an overfilled dust and debris bag: some older models do not have a fullness indicator, so you should regularly check the bag's fullness level yourself. When the dust container is 70% full, the suction power may decrease significantly or disappear altogether.

During the emptying process, it is necessary to examine the material from which the bag is made:

  • paper bags are disposable, so they can only be replaced with a new one;
  • fabric bags can be washed in plain water and put back in place after drying.

If everything is in order with the dust collector, but the draft still does not appear, then you can proceed to the next stage.

The filter is clogged

If the vacuum cleaner does not suck, it may be due to the filters. Any model contains 2 filters, one of which is used for fine cleaning, and the second is exhaust. If the exhaust filter has never been replaced, it should be done now. it must be changed every 50 hours of operation. The fine filter should be cleaned or changed regularly: you can wash it with warm water and then dry it thoroughly. Filters are usually located near the back of the device.Vacuum cleaner

Dirt in the hose or brush

A drop in suction power sometimes occurs due to a damaged hose or nozzle. First, you should carefully inspect the suction pipe and inspect the place where it is connected to the body - the pipe may not be fully seated or not fit tightly. If there are blockages in the pipe, it is necessary to clear them with wire. Next, you need to check the hose for damage: to do this, you can disconnect it from the device and put your hand on the inlet. If the traction is good, then the reason lies in the hose.

You should also examine the nozzle sometimes it causes poor performance of the device. It is necessary to clean the brushes from threads, hair and other debris, and also check for permeability inside. The bearings should also be checked for proper operation, because the force of the air flow depends on them.Vacuum cleaner

Damage to the device

To gain access to the main part of the vacuum cleaner, remove the housing protection. Usually this unit stops functioning due to a blown fuse - you can check it with a multimeter. If the fuse is faulty, select one with similar parameters and install it in place. If the contact is broken, this can also cause a malfunction. We solder the damaged contact in place with a soldering iron. If you suspect that the motor brushes are malfunctioning, you should work with extreme caution. An incorrect connection can cause the device to start working in the other direction and simply blow out dust. If the winding on the coil breaks, you should prepare to replace the unit or buy a new vacuum cleaner.

Each model has its own weaknesses.In LG models, graphite brushes begin to become unusable after prolonged use, and in Samsung devices, sometimes there are winding insulation failures, which ultimately leads to an interturn short circuit.Vacuum cleaner

Important! A faulty engine is practically impossible to repair on your own and will require the help of competent specialists to restore it.

The main reasons for overheating of the vacuum cleaner

Often, heating of the case occurs due to the dust bag being filled with debris, failed components, as well as problems with the engine. It remains to be seen what exactly caused the unsatisfactory operation of the vacuum cleaner.

To determine the faulty unit, it is best to use the recommended troubleshooting sequence:

  • If the body gets hot, you can disconnect the hose and try to start it again If the engine housing stops heating, then the reason lies in the hose or the tube itself.
  • Next, check the inlet of the vacuum cleaner foreign objects may get in there. Once you are sure that there are no obstacles, you can proceed to further actions.
  • Carefully remove the waste container this could be a container or a bag. After removal, you can start the device and see how it works.
  • Overheating may occur due to filters To do this, they should be carefully cleaned.
  • If the above points are passed, and the vacuum cleaner continues to work poorly, the motor remains damaged, which can ultimately lead to overheating and automatic shutdown.

Important! Often you can carry out repairs on your own and without special knowledge, but sometimes you have to turn to specialists.Vacuum cleaner

Why did the vacuum cleaner become loud?

Identifying the cause of loud noise during operation is often only possible for an experienced specialist, so it is recommended not to carry out repairs yourself, but to take the device to a service center. If you decide to troubleshoot the problem yourself, you should know that the most likely causes of excessive noise may be:

  • The dust bin is too full. This usually occurs due to failure to clean the dust bag or container in a timely manner. As a result, it becomes difficult for air to pass through the dust collector, which leads to increased load on the engine and increased noise. If the filtration system is excessively dirty, dust can enter the engine compartment and settle on moving parts. As a result, interruptions in the operation of the engine begin: it runs “dry” and there is a hum and whistle.
  • Failure of components. Only a service center specialist can determine the faulty part, so if you suspect such a fault, it is better to stop trying to repair it yourself in order to avoid unnecessary financial expenses on purchasing a new vacuum cleaner.
  • Faulty motor - if the vacuum cleaner is relatively new, then there may be a factory defect in the motor. If there is a warranty period, you should take the device to the store, and if the warranty has already expired, then contact the service center.Vacuum cleaner

The vacuum cleaner vibrates and makes noise

Increased vibration can only be present on older models where metal fans are installed. Replacing such an element will be quite expensive, so it is often cheaper to purchase a new vacuum cleaner.

Runs loudly and emits an unpleasant odor

Even with careful care of the vacuum cleaner, an unpleasant odor may emanate from it.And the fault may not be the manufacturer or the long service life of the device - there are several reasons that can lead to the appearance of a specific odor:

  • Dust and debris that are sucked up by a vacuum cleaner contain a large number of bacteria, which, when multiplied in a humid environment, can emit a specific odor. When the device is turned off, there may be no odor, but when it is operating and heating, it is clearly detected.
  • Poor-quality plastic from which the body is made can emit an unpleasant odor when the vacuum cleaner heats up.
  • Sometimes the cause of the smell can be the short circuit of some elements of the vacuum cleaner, which leads to their melting.

In some cases, if the vacuum cleaner makes a loud noise, does not pick up dust and heats up, you need to contact a specialist. Only they can find the true cause of the breakdown. There is no need to do anything yourself, as this could further damage the device.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

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