How to choose a robotic wet vacuum cleaner

A robot vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning capability is universal remedy for everyday cleaning. It performs a full cleaning cycle of the apartment, thanks to which you significantly save time for yourself and your loved ones. The main thing is to choose a high-quality device that will satisfy the needs of the consumer and do the job assigned to it perfectly.

How to choose a washing robot vacuum cleaner for an apartment?

Today, there are four options for devices that are capable of wet cleaning of a room. They differ in the method of cleaning floors, as well as other functionality. Accordingly, prices for devices vary greatly.

  1. Washing models. They have a built-in tank for water or a solution with floor cleaning liquid. They automatically spray and wipe dry with a cloth. No human participation is required in the process.
  2. Equipped with a liquid tank with a pump. In this case, the user is able to set the degree of wetting of the cloth and the intensity of wiping the surface through the application. When the robot stops, the fluid supply is blocked.
  3. Equipped with a tank from which water flows by gravity. This vacuum cleaner cleans the floors with a microfiber cloth. You can stop the flow of liquid by removing the tank from the device.
  4. With human participation. In this case, the user is required to constantly remove the rag and wet it in the bucket.

The last option is less convenient and impractical.It is much easier and faster to wash the floor by hand.

The best models of 2021

Today, each manufacturer has created its own models with a similar function, which help keep the apartment clean. Many of them have quite extensive functionality and are relatively inexpensive.

Hobot Legee 688

The best model in the premium segment. It simultaneously draws in the dirt, wets the floor and wipes it with a rag until it is perfectly clean. The movements are performed due to the vibration of two platforms. It was released at the end of 2019 and until now the device has virtually no competitors. According to users, this is the best robot vacuum cleaner for cleaning smooth floors.

washing robot vacuum cleaner

Cannot overcome obstacles higher than 0.5 cm and will not be able to climb onto carpets.

Xiaomi Roborock S6 MaxV

A universal household assistant designed for dry and wet cleaning. It appeared on the market last year and has already gained popularity among buyers. An excellent camera allows it to recognize even the slightest obstacles. And the wet cleaning function is admittedly excellent.

washing robot vacuum cleaner

In the application, you can select an individual liquid supply level for each room.

Xbot L7 Pro

This is an excellent device that incorporates all the useful functionality from premium segment models. It has a self-cleaning function, combines the capabilities of wet and dry cleaning at the same time, is perfectly controlled by lidar and is regulated via a mobile application or remote control.

robot vacuum cleaner washing

Okami U100 Laser

It does not have versatility, since the water compartment is placed in the body in place of the garbage collector. The moisture level of the napkin and the operation of the device are controlled through the application. Moreover, one tank is enough to clean a house with an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters. m. is an excellent achievement.

robot vacuum cleaner for wet cleaning

Genio Laser L800

This model has the ability to simultaneously clean. It is equipped with either a dust collector combined with a water container, or one huge trash compartment if only dry cleaning of the room is intended.

robot vacuum cleaner washing

Controlled via the app or remote control.

Universal assistants with the function of washing floors are a great opportunity to step away from cleaning the apartment and take time for yourself.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

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