How to choose a vacuum cleaner for manicure

Vacuum cleaner for manicureWhen choosing a vacuum cleaner for manicure, a nail technician, first of all, must proceed from his work conditions and preferences. So, for a master who receives a couple of clients a day at home, it is more advisable to choose a low-power built-in device that will perform its function and at the same time save space. Also suitable for them, as well as for mobile craftsmen, are tabletop models, which are distinguished by a variety of colors and shapes.

Salons with high traffic volumes cannot do without powerful floor-mounted devices or vacuum cleaners with filters.

Types of vacuum cleaners for manicure

The beauty industry has come a long way in recent years. Clients have become more pampered, and professionals are increasingly thinking about their health. And if a few years ago a vacuum cleaner for manicure could be found only in elite salons, now even masters who receive clients at home have acquired this simple but necessary device. Depending on their purpose, their price can range from a thousand to tens of thousands of rubles.

Microparticles in the air during manicureDuring the process of manicure or pedicure, exfoliated skin cells and old coating rise into the air, which settle on all surfaces and enter the lungs when breathing. Using a vacuum cleaner can reduce the entry of microparticles into the body of the master and client. Thereby reducing the risk of developing allergies, asthma or other respiratory diseases.

Each master himself determines which device is most convenient for him, and manufacturers offer the following varieties:

  • Desktop - the most common and economical option. It is a rest for the client's hands with holes into which dust particles are drawn. Such models can consist of either one or two fans, increasing their power. Models of desktop vacuum cleaners are mostly compact and mobile.

ATTENTION! The outer surface of the device must be made of materials that are resistant to antiseptic agents and acetone.

  • Mini hood - this option is convenient if there is limited work space. It can be placed on any surface, for example, on a pedicure chair.
  • Built-in — installed in the hole of the manicure table. The top is closed with a lattice. This model is more powerful and durable, it does not take up additional space on the desktop, but is completely immobile. Not suitable for craftsmen who are used to picking up their tools. It has more power compared to others, but also, accordingly, a higher price.

Built-in vacuum cleaner for manicure

  • With filter There can be desktop, floor-standing, and built-in vacuum cleaners. Filters absorb chemical odors and microparticles. Of course, the presence of a filter in the device affects its cost, so in most cases they are purchased by nail salons with a large flow of clients.
  • Floor The vacuum cleaner has quite large dimensions, but has the greatest power compared to other models. Purifies indoor air in minutes. Its motor is located inside a large box from which a hose is led to the work surface.This technique can be used for both hardware manicure and pedicure and removal of gel or other coating.

Main selection criteria

Manicurists can choose the optimal vacuum cleaner model for themselves, since today there are a sufficient number of them on the market with different technical characteristics.

Power - one of the main selection parameters; it determines how much dust the device can absorb in a certain amount of time. Ideally, a vacuum cleaner should be able to suck up dust before it spreads throughout the room. On the simplest devices it starts at 25 W. The price of the device increases in proportion to it.

Desktop models are considered the least powerful. The most powerful are floor-mounted. Some devices have the ability to adjust power. But do not forget that the higher the power rating, the noisier the device will operate. A noise level of 40 dB is considered comfortable for work; 55 dB and above will cause discomfort. Loud sound contributes to fatigue for both the master and the client.

Compact device

Compactness - an important criterion for craftsmen working on the road or with limited desktop space. The most compact are mini-hoods and some models of desktop vacuum cleaners. Built-in ones can also be conditionally classified as compact, since they also do not take up space on the desktop.

Filters Not all models are equipped. These are mainly vacuum cleaners in the “above average” price range. Devices with a filter absorb not only fine dust, but also odor.

Therefore, they are preferable for the health of the master and the client.However, if you decide to opt for them, you should not forget to promptly replace the filter or clean it, otherwise it will cease to perform its function.

Please check availability before purchasing dust collectors - These are dust bags. As a rule, the dust collector must be cleaned after every second client, otherwise all the dust will fly out. For a master working with a large flow of clients, it is necessary to provide at least 2 spare bags.

But if you have decided on a model that suits all technical indicators, price, but has one dust collector, it’s not scary. They can also be purchased separately. When purchasing dust bags, check the quality of the fabric from which they are made. It should be dense enough and not allow dust particles to pass through.


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