Learn how to care for your dishwasher. Self-cleaning dishwasher

There are 2 ways to care for your dishwasher. On the one hand, the filter and internal surfaces are cleaned mechanically, and on the other hand, chemicals are used. Many modern devices also have a self-cleaning function. This material describes how to use it.

Mechanical cleaning

Cleaning should be done regularly as it gets dirty. The easiest way is to mechanically remove the blockage and carry out preventive maintenance. You need to do this:

  1. Remove and clean the debris filter. You must first remove the mesh from it and remove the waste. It is not difficult to understand how to clean the filter in a Bosch dishwasher or other models. The part is disassembled into parts and washed first under water, then with detergent.Mechanical cleaning - 1
  2. Remove the rocker arms and remove limescale from the small holes. To do this, it is convenient to use a toothpick and then wash the parts in a soapy solution.Mechanical cleaning - 2
  3. Baskets and other supports, as well as the interior surfaces of the chamber and doors, need to be washed regularly.Mechanical cleaning - 3
  4. The drain hose must also be cleaned. It is screwed together, the remaining liquid is poured into a previously placed basin and washed under running water. Then put it in place and tighten it carefully.Mechanical cleaning - 4

Chemical cleaning

Mechanical treatment alone and manual removal of blockages is not enough.To ensure that the unit works as long as possible, use special dishwasher cleaning products, for example:

  • "Finish";
  • "Celesta"
  • "Somat"
  • YokoSun;
  • "Bref" and others.

Use medications according to instructions. They are filled or poured into the appropriate part of the compartment, then run for the longest cycle with a temperature selection of at least 60 degrees.

Chemical cleaning - 1

If the model is of sufficient quality and has wide functionality, the dishwasher can self-clean. It is activated on the control panel by pressing the corresponding button. Working in this mode will keep the filter clean, so you won't need to disassemble it as often. But in any case, it is recommended to carefully inspect the part at least once a year.

Basic preventive measures

Cleaning is carried out as needed; in intensive use mode, it is optimal to do this once a month. But in order to increase the overall service life, it is recommended to follow simple prevention rules:

  1. Thoroughly clean plates and other containers of large food waste before each wash.Chemical cleaning - 2
  2. Place plates and other utensils strictly in the containers intended for them.
  3. Do not place too many dishes so as not to overload the device.
  4. After each cycle, wipe the seal dry with a clean cloth.Chemical cleaning - 3
  5. Leave the door ajar for at least 30 minutes to allow air to flow freely into the chamber.

Thus, cleaning the dishwasher is not difficult, especially since there are special products for this. If you follow the described preventive measures, you can do this once a month or less. At the same time, the unit itself will last much longer than the warranty period.

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