Why blessed household appliances will last longer

Why blessed household appliances will last longerA person’s life, no matter how church-going he may be, is closely connected with the world of material things, including household appliances. Only an ascetic who has fundamentally moved away from worldly goods can live without it, which the vast majority of believers are not.

The positive impact of consecration on household appliances

In accordance with Christian traditions, any business begins with a prayer in which God is asked to help in obtaining worthy results. Thus, the Almighty is called upon to directly participate in all worldly affairs in order to prevent the penetration of evil into the personal space of a Christian.

The same principles are followed when consecrating things.

The quality of modern things often leaves much to be desired. The consumer is concerned with the question of why household appliances purchased 10-20 years ago work well, while new ones often fail 1-2 years after purchase. It is difficult to answer the question whether this is due to the dishonesty of manufacturers or the negative processes taking place in the modern world. Godly Christians rely on the power of prayer.

A prayer for the consecration of an item is an appeal to God with a request to bless the purchased item. This action does not indicate the prevalence of material concerns over spiritual ones. On the contrary, the divine principle is asked to descend to the material world to strengthen spiritual forces.

Reference! With the help of prayer, they ask for protection, first of all, of a person who is directly connected with the material world.

There is no list of items that are not subject to consecration. Everything that is not intended to serve evil and sin can be sanctified.


The ritual of blessing household appliances is carried out both in the church and independently. The priest can tell you the prayers for the ceremony, or you can find them yourself on the Orthodox website. By reading prayers, you cleanse every thing from the evil presence. This is especially true for items that have already been used. By purifying things with the help of prayers, you harmonize your attitude towards the material world, perceiving it more positively; You get pleasure from owning the purchased items.

Why do household appliances last longer after consecration?

There are no statistics to determine the positive influence of church rituals on things. But there are many facts when things that were considered irretrievably lost are found, equipment suddenly begins to work or serves without the slightest hint of wear after the ritual.


The grace that descends after consecration extends primarily to the owner of the thing. He, admonished by the holy spirit, will begin to treat her in a special way. He will take care of it: clean it from dirt, wipe it and lubricate it in time. In a word, perform all those actions that will extend the life of the material object.

Attention! Having called on the Higher powers for help, a Christian has no right to disdain sacred household appliances.

It is difficult to explain many manifestations of the intangible world, and it is not always necessary. The main thing is to believe that by calling on the divine spirit to preserve the material environment we need, we will certainly receive his help.

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