Is an induction cooker harmful?

induction cookerNowadays, most people use an induction cooker, as it is easy to use and guarantees fast cooking. However, all people know about the advantages of this model of unit, but not everyone remembers the possible danger and harm that is presented to them.

Operating principle of induction cookers

To deal with the negative aspects, you first need to know about the very process of operation of such a device.

operating principle of induction cookersThe main feature is that the stove is the most economical of all its competing manufacturers. Thanks to a certain heat supply, the equipment does not consume excess electricity. It directs the temperature exactly to the cookware, to a specific burner. Thus, without heating the entire surface of the structure. The panel itself is a flat base without elevations, under which a magnetic field is generated using coils. Because of this principle, there are many advantages of using induction cookers. For example, heating takes place in just a few minutes, and it consumes much less energy than an electrical device.

Harm to human health from induction hobs

harm to human health from an induction cookerAll equipment can guarantee safety if certain rules of use are followed, and harm is also possible if they are not followed. Therefore, let's look at the current aspect in more detail.

  • Scientific studies have discovered neutral radiation only if the dishes are placed exactly on the burner and have the same diameter.
  • A person, in turn, should stay at an optimal distance of 30 centimeters from technology. The maximum safe gap is considered to be half a meter. At such distances there is absolutely no danger.
  • It is worth using special cooking utensils, for example, made of cast iron or steel.
  • If the product you use for cooking is deformed, then you need to avoid this situation.

How harmful is it to use an induction cooker?

cooking on an induction cookerScientists cannot say with high accuracy; these are just arguments. However, if in doubt, it is advisable to be careful and follow the recommendations in order to be sure that no harm will occur. If the equipment is used incorrectly, electric current can penetrate into the body due to the presence of magnetic rays. As a result, a person may experience sleep disturbances - insomnia, a feeling of fatigue and various headaches. Vegetables and fruits, in turn, lose more than half of their vitamins. And meat products are subject to loss of important substances.


Do not forget that the information has not yet been confirmed.

Let's look carefully at the various opinions of other researchers regarding the effect of induction cookers on human health.

Pros for using

Undoubtedly, the hostess is not standing close to the device, hence the following options:

  • The amount of low-frequency radiation, which is typical for the model under consideration, is reduced to zero. Therefore, the flow of magnetic waves extends exclusively over the distance from the burner to the cookware itself. Consequently, the health of the owner of the unit is not in danger.
  • Since the technology only recognizes metal utensils, burns are impossible during use. Only the bottom of the mold heats up, and the surface just remains warm, the temperature is tolerable to the hands.
  • If you use products for cooking from another material, then the gap can be up to 20 centimeters.

Arguments against use

  • When using the technology, it is possible to influence the human condition when the burner is not completely covered with dishes.
  • If measures are not followed, the nervous system can be negatively affected.
  • Slight difficulties may arise for people who are expecting a child or if they are short in stature. Since in such cases, it is inconvenient for them to adhere to the assigned distance.


Owners of pacemakers experience damage to devices located in the body due to the action of electromagnetic radiation. The ideal condition for maintaining safety would be for such people to be at a distance of 30-50 centimeters from the unit.

How to reduce the harmful effects of an induction cooker on human health

how to reduce harmYou should carefully study the instructions that came with the equipment upon purchase. Next, you should consider the recommendations. If you need to stay close to the structure, you can adjust the power to lower values. In addition, use dishes specifically designed for this oven.And remember that science has not definitively figured out whether an induction cooker is harmful to human health.

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