Which gas hose for a gas stove is better?

hose and gas stoveFlexible gas hoses for connecting stoves appeared in our country not so long ago. The innovation came from abroad and quickly gained popularity due to its ease of installation and operation. Before the advent of flexible hoses, the structure was attached permanently, and there was no question of moving the slab to the side or moving it to a more convenient place. With the advent of flexible hoses, the situation has changed radically. Their varieties and selection criteria will be discussed in the article.

Review of flexible hoses for gas stoves

Today it is mostly used three types of materials for the manufacture of flexible gas hoses:

1) Rubber with fabric braid. One of the cheapest materials, which nevertheless has a fairly good durability resource - the service life of the product can reach 10 years.

rubber hose for gas stove with fabric braid

Advantages products:

  • ability to isolate electric current;
  • cheapness;
  • elasticity;
  • ease of installation.

Along with the advantages, there are also a couple shortcomings:

  • small operating temperature range - from -10 to + 50 degrees;
  • relative softness and low mechanical strength of the material.

2) Reinforced rubber with metal braid. A similar material, only with a polymer interior, is used for plumbing systems.In order to distinguish which system the hose is intended for, it is marked accordingly. Gas, for example, is marked in yellow, for water - blue and red, depending on the scope of application. The material used is vulcanized rubber reinforced with a special thread.

rubber hose for gas stove with metal braid


  • relatively low price;
  • good mechanical strength;
  • ease of installation;
  • availability of a wide range of products.

TO shortcomings This may include a narrow range of operating temperatures.

3) Bellows hose. Its main difference is that it has a corrugated metal braid, which provides reliable protection for the inner layer. It is the most reliable of the options given in the article.

bellows hose


  • large operating temperature range: from -50 to + 200 degrees;
  • flexibility, despite the presence of a reliable braid;
  • mechanical strength and pressure resistance - withstands up to 6 atmospheres;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • the presence of a polymer electrically insulating layer;
  • The service life of the product is 25 years or more.

The only drawback This type of product has a high cost, five times higher than analogues made from other materials.

Expert opinion which gas hose is better

selection of hoses for a gas stoveIf the budget allows, then the decision is clearly in favor of a bellows gas hose. Next, in descending order, are products made of reinforced rubber in a metal braid and rubber in a fabric braid.


Some products have a number of installation requirements. For gas boilers, for example, one of the prerequisites is the connection of a bellows gas hose with a dielectric bushing.

How to choose a gas hose to connect the stove

To purchase a product of proper quality, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. buy hoses and fasteners in specialized stores, purchase certified products;
  2. avoid products made in China, because despite the presence of certificates, the quality of the product leaves much to be desired;
  3. pay attention to the presence of the corresponding yellow markings on the products;
  4. When purchasing, check the presence of all components, gaskets, nuts, fittings, the integrity of the threads and the absence of visible mechanical damage.

By following these simple rules, you can protect yourself from purchasing products of poor quality.

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