How to easily clean the stove grate

In the process of everyday cooking, various nutrients and fat get onto the surface of the stove. Therefore, the device requires constant care. And if cleaning the work surface does not raise questions or problems, then putting the grate in order can cause difficulties.

Gas stove grates are made of different materials and need to be cleaned in different ways.

How to easily clean a gas stove grate

Before you start washing the product, you must prepare suitable cleaning agents. The grill itself must be removed. This will prevent water and detergents from getting inside the burners.

grille before and after

The product must be cleaned thoroughly, so do not rush. Under the influence of high temperatures, dirt burns strongly on the surface of the product and therefore requires soaking.

Cleaning the cast iron grate

This material has its advantages and disadvantages. Cast iron has excellent thermal conductivity, which reduces cooking time. Moreover, it is a very brittle metal that is extremely unstable to mechanical stress. It should not be hit or cleaned with metal brushes.

cast iron grate

You can clean this option in the following ways:

  • Heating. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in an open space. If this is not possible, then you need to turn on the hood and open all windows and balcony doors.Calcination must be done over an open fire. During the heating process, the most basic contamination will disappear. The remainder can be easily removed using ordinary cleaning products;
  • Car dealerships sell special engine cleaning products. They can also be used to remove dirt. They are absolutely safe and at the same time cope well with dirt;
  • Hot steam. This procedure can be performed using a steam generator. If you don’t have one, you can take a baking sheet, pour water into it and put it in the oven. Then place the grate in it. The product should be left in the oven for about 15 minutes.

Cleaning the steel grate

steel grate

The steel grate is made of stainless steel, which is resistant to mechanical stress. It can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher. But it is not always available. Therefore, you should use the following methods:

  • Since the product is resistant to abrasive substances, you can use river sand, soda and a metal sponge;
  • There are cleaning products that contain acid. They need to be applied evenly over the entire surface and left for several hours, or better yet, overnight. After this, you just need to rinse it thoroughly under running water;

To make the next procedure as easy as possible, you can coat the grill with a special solution. You need to take powder, PVA glue and soda in a ratio of 1:2:6. After mixing all the ingredients, they need to be applied to the product. Next time, the product just needs to be rinsed under water, as all the dirt will settle on the solution.

Cleaning the enamel grill

enamel grille

Enamel is a very soft material, so it scratches easily. It requires careful handling and the use of gentle cleaning products.For cleaning you can use:

  • Melamine sponge. Despite the fact that it is quite expensive, the sponge can easily and effectively remove existing dirt. You just need to wet it and thoroughly wipe the surface of the product;
  • You can also use mustard powder or 9% vinegar. You need to prepare an appropriate solution and soak the product in it. After 2-3 hours, you need to take it out and rinse it in running water;

Whatever material the grille is made of, when cleaning it you must follow several recommendations:

  • Gloves must be used during the procedure. Household chemicals have a detrimental effect on the skin;
  • All cleaning agents must be used according to the instructions on the packaging. To achieve the desired effect, they need to be applied evenly and in a fairly thick layer;
  • It is advisable to wipe the product after each cooking. This way the dirt will not have time to dry and can be removed quickly and without difficulty;
  • The grate must be allowed to dry, since dust and dirt stick much better to a damp surface;
  • Choosing the right dishes will help prevent contamination. For example, it is advisable to take a frying pan with high sides, and use a lid when cooking. This way the fat will not splash across the surface of the stove and burn on it.
  • Do not apply excessive pressure with the metal sponge. Otherwise, scratches will appear;
  • It is contraindicated to soak cast iron grates in liquid solutions. This material has extremely poor contact with water, which can lead to the formation of cracks;
  • Only the cold grate needs to be cleaned;

After the procedure is completed, the grate needs to be dried.If this is not done, a new layer of dirt will very quickly adhere to the wet surface.

If you carry out cleaning on time and follow all the recommendations, the surface of the stove will always be clean, and the resulting dirt can be removed without much effort.

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