The oven in the gas stove goes out

The oven went outModern household appliances are presented in a wide range, which greatly simplifies kitchen chores. These include a gas stove, which is additionally equipped with an oven. Housewives often have to deal with a common problem - the oven suddenly goes out. In some cases, the problem can be solved on your own without involving specialists.

Common causes that you can solve on your own

Most housewives still opt for a gas oven when selecting kitchen appliances. They are distinguished by wide functionality, precise settings and simple operating conditions. Despite all the convenience, a problem may arise when working with this device - the oven goes out after a short period of being turned on.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • the gas supply valve is closed;
  • slow heating of the flame sensor;
  • pressure drop in the pipeline;
  • burner contamination;
  • Incorrect installation of the burner after cleaning.

These factors can be resolved independently. The work process does not require specialized skills and will not take much time.

Solving the problem yourself:

  1. Insufficient oxygen supply can cause the oven to go out.In such situations, experts recommend lighting the oven with the door open.
  2. If you are not careful, you may forget to turn the valve to open access to the incoming gas. It is recommended to check whether the turntable is open to supply gas to the stove.
  3. For safety reasons, gas stoves with built-in ovens are equipped with additional flame sensors. This device detects the absence of a temperature increase and shuts off the gas flow. In such situations, you should hold the power handle a little longer than usual. It would be a good idea to turn on the oven to maximum temperature. This step will help speed up the warm-up. This situation is faced mainly by residents whose houses are equipped with bottled gas. Due to low intensity, the sensor does not heat up, which leads to its shutdown. To solve the problem, you need to change the cylinder to a full one or refuel.
  4. In the process of preparing various dishes, droplets of fat and small particles of food fall into the burner holes, which gradually leads to its failure. This is easily noticeable visually: the burner ignites unevenly, with frequent interruptions, and in some areas there may be a complete absence of fire. In this case, it is necessary to carefully remove the burner and thoroughly clean its surface from any carbon deposits that have formed.
  5. After cleaning and washing there is a risk of incorrectly installing the burner into the cavity. The signs here are similar to the previous factor: uneven flow of flame or its complete absence. If this is the reason, it is necessary to remove the burner from the installation area and insert it correctly into the cavity.

Important: re-ignition must be carried out after one minute. This will avoid the risk of explosion.

Possible causes of oven malfunction

The reasons for the development of malfunctions can be not only incorrectly installed burners or uneven gas supply. There may also be defects in the internal structure of the oven itself.

Possible reasons for failure:

  • instantaneous extinguishing of the flame when the handle or button is lowered indicates a malfunction of the solenoid valve or thermocouple;
  • failure of the thermostat. This is indicated by the periodic extinguishing of the flame after its ignition;
  • a breakdown of the adjustment knob causes the flame to go out instantly when it is lowered;
  • When the turning mechanism becomes clogged or the lubricant dries out, the handle does not turn well. Because of this, the burner does not light up at full power and the flame sensor does not heat up.

With some skills, you can solve current problems yourself. If they are missing, you must contact a specialist service center for help to carry out repair work.

Troubleshooting options

  1. If the control system fails, it is necessary to replace its components: thermocouple or valve. In some situations, a complete replacement of the entire system is required.
  2. If the thermostat malfunctions, the heating level decreases. For stable operation, its calibration and timely diagnostics are necessary. In case of breakdown - replacement.
  3. Over long periods of use, the handles become damaged. In this case, it needs to be replaced. When purchasing, pay special attention to the identity of the new part. The replacement is easy to do yourself: carefully pull the old handle towards you, it can be easily removed. We fix the new part and check the oven.
  4. In most cases, to eliminate the latter problem, it is necessary to disassemble the gas valve, thoroughly clean it, and lubricate it with a special lubricant. In some situations, parts may need to be replaced. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals.

Oven repair


Gas stoves with built-in ovens are deservedly in great demand among housewives. As with any appliance, an oven or stove can develop problems due to prolonged use. Knowing the source of the problem and applying a few technical skills, you can fix the breakdown factor yourself. If you have certain knowledge, the technological process will not take a lot of money and personal time.

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