Installation of a chimney in a bathhouse for a wood-burning stove

chimney in the bathhouseOf course, every practical bathhouse must have a chimney, and with the right equipment.

What should be the correct chimney in an iron sauna stove?

It is to the structure of the metal furnace that several supports are installed for support. They must have special clearances. This is necessary to expand the pipes, and it is better if they are made of asbestos. Such products are the most reliable and fireproof when compared to conventional ones. But despite this, it is advisable not to expose them to direct fire. To do this, the installation is carried out up to the initial elbow, and then the asbestos-cement one is added.

chimney device

As for the chimney equipment, it is, first of all, protection from various weather conditions. The upper part needs a guarantee of safety from precipitation. It could also be a cone-shaped plug, especially since it will provide a free outlet for smoke. And to drain the condensate, another special plug is installed. In addition, it will be suitable for cleaning pipes.

Types of chimneys in a wood-burning sauna stove

chimney for bathThere are mainly two types of construction. Let's look at each in more detail:

  • Indigenous. What makes it special is its special structure.They are installed separately, but very close to the stove. They are connected by a special-purpose pipe - it is the one that branches the smoke into the main channel. During construction of this type, it is possible to use it for several furnaces at once, respectively, if the pipes are located at different heights and with different diameters.
  • Nasadny. This model is more interesting: it is installed directly on the stove pipe. Therefore, it is in demand among bathhouse builders. The chimney exits the room through the roof.

straight chimneyIn addition to the division described, the device can be distinguished according to the following criteria:

  • External. From the name it is clear that their main part is located on the street. They themselves are fixed inside the house to the wall. If something happens, it will not be difficult to repair it.
  • Internal. Provides more traction than other varieties due to its vertical position. With its help, the room is heated perfectly.

How a chimney works in a wood-burning sauna stove

Conventionally, the design can be divided into 9 directions:

  1. If you start from the bottom, then the oven itself comes first. Thanks to it, the water inside is heated.
  2. Minerite panel - protects walls from flammable materials.
  3. Convector. Removes heat from the chimney.
  4. Gate - regulates traction.
  5. Starter adapter. Provides transition into sandwiches.
  6. Ceiling passage unit.
  7. Chimney sandwich. Prevents condensation from entering and provides additional thermal protection.
  8. Master Flush - Seals the roof penetration.
  9. Heading - considered the final element.

What should be the diameter of the chimney for a sauna stove?

Of course, the named parameter must be correctly defined. If it is larger, then the smoke that rises through it undergoes rapid cooling.And this promotes the formation of condensation. Typically, such information is presented in the instructions for the device. However, it happens that it is not there, and you have to figure it out for yourself. The following aspects will help you with this. The indicator directly depends on both the power and the weight of the product.

chimney parameters

If we adhere to standard proportions, we get the following indicators:

  • With a power of up to 3.5 kW, diameter = 140*140 mm.
  • 3.5 - 5.2 kW - 140*200 mm.
  • 5.2 – 7.2 kW – 140*240 mm.


The values ​​were indicated provided that the shape of the chimney is rectangular or square. And it is worth remembering that they are less effective, because turbulence is most often formed in them. With round devices, it should be taken into account that it is unacceptable when it is smaller than the outlet area with the oven opening.

How to calculate the parameters and design of a chimney for a stove in a bathhouse

As for size and height, the most important point is the degree of elevation of the room itself. When the pipe appears half a meter above the ridge, the distance will be up to one and a half meters from the ridge. If the product is located at a distance of approximately 1.5 - 3 meters, then the pipe can be positioned on the same straight line or even higher. When the device exits through the ceiling, the unit must be erected more than one meter.

chimney calculations for a bathhouse

When mounting it yourself, it is advisable to take into account the material:

  • A brick chimney can be connected to any heating system, regardless of height. In addition, you can allow a vertical deviation, the main thing is insignificant. So, if you need a simple product, then this option is suitable for you, and it is highly resistant to stressful situations.
  • Metal. Output is carried out both through the roof and through the wall.If you need to install without a foundation, it is better to choose the presented unit, since it is light in weight.

After carefully selecting a chimney according to the described parameters, you can safely proceed to its construction or purchase.

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