Kiln brick size

For stoves in homes, professionals recommend using special stove bricks. Its identical standard size and correct geometry will allow you to build a stove with optimal dimensions that will last for many years. There are several types of products presented below.

For stoves and fireplaces in residential buildings and country houses, quartz and fireclay red bricks are usually used. More often they choose the second option, because quartz, heating up significantly, can lose its integrity and cause destruction of the walls.

The stove in the room functions as a heating device and is a decorative item. Its shapes and designs are sometimes very original and whimsical. To make it possible to lay a variety of stoves, sometimes of a non-standard appearance, bricks are also available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Standard brick sizes for kiln

brick dimensions for the stoveA standard brick is a parallelepiped. All parameters of building materials are determined by GOST. There is no separate document specifically for the stove version. Products are available in different sizes.

Requirements for the size of red bricks for the stove

Red brick size requirementsRed brick is made from red clay. Stoves and fireplaces are built from it. There are 2 types of it: simple oven and refractory refractory.

A simple brick can heat up to 1000 °C. More often, it is used to make stoves in country houses, which are used inconsistently.The red stove version has a standard size:

  • Length – 250 mm;
  • Width – 120 mm;
  • Height – 65 mm.

Refractory fireproof has the same length and height, differs only in width (123 mm). Suitable for lining the internal surfaces of fireboxes or individual areas of the furnace with the highest heating.

Size of fireclay bricks for the furnace

Fireclay brick sizeThe fireclay version can be heated up to 1500 °C; it has the ability to retain heat for a long time. According to GOST, there are 2 brands: ShA and ShB. In this case, the number reflects the dimensions.

As was said at the beginning, it is this type that is most suitable for laying stoves and fireplaces in homes. Plus, it has a winning color. Its golden shades create a feeling of additional comfort in the house, which allows you to do without ceramic facing material for the stove.

When choosing a brick, pay attention not only to the main characteristics indicated in the marking, such as size and thermal conductivity, but also to the external condition. Check that the products are of the correct shape and the same size; they should not have any chips, cracks or other defects. It’s also a good idea to tap it with a hammer to eliminate any voids inside the building material.

Comments and feedback:

Author! a good start could have ended there: For stoves in houses, professionals recommend using special stove bricks...., then the picture of an effective brick (with holes/slots - this is a wall element) is touching. Kiln bricks are here in the Russian Federation and are produced by a well-known plant (Ural) All! Conclusion of knowledge and experience no, don’t write, go learn. Build a toilet (for a boy) with a capacity of one point. If it’s a girl, take care of the house and children. In the Russian State, stove-making was carried out by military men with the rank of general. I didn’t set the goal to offend but to put in place….in the Russian stove there is a cricket pole from the saying of the same name.

Evgeniy Yurievich

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