How to use asbestos cord for stoves

Asbestos cord for the stove.Asbestos cord used in stoves and fireplaces reduces heat loss and ensures safety during operation. Its use is in great demand, since it is easy to work with, it is commercially available, and has a low cost.

Purpose of asbestos cord for the stove

How to use asbestos cord for a stove.An asbestos product is a good sealant used in furnaces. It prevents smoke from escaping into the room, and also isolates all furnace parts from air penetration into them. The basis is a core entwined with asbestos threads. But there are cords without a core. The product is designed for temperatures of +400 °C. It can withstand large changes in humidity. Asbestos sealant has good flexibility and can be adjusted to any shape.

IMPORTANT! If the stove uses firewood that heats the surface to +400...+450 ̊C, then an asbestos seal will be quite sufficient. In this case, there is no need to overpay money by buying advertised fire-resistant products that can withstand up to +10000 ̊C.

Only asbestos products marked SHAU are applicable for furnaces. They can withstand heavy loads and can be used for a long time without compromising their properties. Asbestos seals are not susceptible to rotting and mold, they are not afraid of rodents and do not break.

How to use asbestos cord correctly

Installing the seal is not difficult, but the work requires a certain sequence.

To install a fire-resistant seal on a metal stove or door:

  1. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the oven door and its surface itself from dirt and dust, and also remove the old sealing cord.
  2. If there is a special recess for the product, a layer of glue should be applied to it. If there is no groove, then glue is applied to the place where the cord will be attached.How to properly use asbestos cord for a stove.
  3. The sealant is distributed around the entire perimeter in those places where the glue was applied. At the junction, it is necessary to cut the product so that no gap is formed.
  4. In order for the cord to attach well to the surface, you should close the oven door, which will press it.

After 3 hours, it is recommended to heat the stove and check how the fire cord is attached.

To seal the gaps on the cooking surface of the stove, it must first be dismantled. Next, you need to clean the surface under the hob from old mortar and dirt. Then prime the cleaned surface with a mixture of water and glue. Apply a small layer of glue around the entire perimeter and glue the asbestos product. The seal should be pressed firmly against the surface for 7 minutes, after which the hob is installed in the oven. Existing cracks can be closed with clay or sealant.

ATTENTION! The product should be chosen strictly in the thickness that is required. If it is too thin, there will be gaps, and if the seal is too thick, the door hinges will have to be rearranged. The diameter of the asbestos cord varies from 15 to 40 mm.

A well-done job will help prevent a fire and help avoid smoke in the room.Thanks to natural components, asbestos seals do not harm the environment.

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