Steam cleaner or washing vacuum cleaner, which is better?

Sometimes the functions of the equipment overlap so much that it becomes difficult to determine where the capabilities of the vacuum cleaner end and the steam cleaner begins. In this situation, I just want to say “give me two.” But if the budget is limited, you have to choose one thing.

Which is better: a steam cleaner or a washing vacuum cleaner?

choosing between a steam cleaner and a vacuum cleaner

Both devices are designed to make the cleaning process easier and take it to a new level. A jet of steam overcomes even those contaminants that household chemicals cannot immediately cope with. And a powerful vacuum cleaner eliminates the need to go to the dry cleaner for every spot on the carpet. This technique knows no restrictions on the type of surface; it copes with upholstered furniture, washes windows and cleans tiles.

Functions and capabilities of the steam cleaner

what can a steam cleaner do?

The versatility and functionality of the steam cleaner is achieved due to the large number of attachments. Thanks to this, the equipment can easily cope with different types of cleaning and is suitable for caring for upholstered furniture and clothing. Other advantages of the device include:

  • hypoallergenic - clean water and high steam temperature allow you to cope with dirt and sterilize treated surfaces without the use of household chemicals;
  • low noise level, which is important for families with small children;
  • economy, manifested both in terms of energy consumption and in the absence of the need to buy cleaning and detergents.

The steam cleaner only works with distilled water. Otherwise, the heating element quickly breaks down, replacing which is very difficult.

steam cleaner

But not everything is so rosy. Not all old and difficult stains can be removed by a steam cleaner. It copes well with fungi and mold in hard-to-reach places, but the surface will have to be wiped dry after treatment. Steam reaching a temperature of 140 C destroys viruses, bacteria and insects, but carpeting or furniture upholstery requires additional drying. If the temperature is not maintained, steam damages the wax and vinyl coating and discolors the fabric.

When choosing a cheap steam cleaner model, you should be prepared for the fact that it may leak, leaving behind stains.

The main disadvantage of a steam cleaner is that it is not able to collect debris. Therefore, the surface to be treated needs to be pre-cleaned.

Functions and capabilities of the vacuum cleaner

washing vacuum cleaner

This technique can simultaneously remove debris and wash away dirt. A large number of attachments makes the washing vacuum cleaner universal, capable of cleaning laminate carpet and upholstery. And you can improve the quality of cleaning using household chemicals.

When purchasing a washing vacuum cleaner, you should be prepared for additional costs for replacement filters and cleaning products.

The device easily removes pet hair, but is unable to cope with allergens, although it significantly reduces their concentration. Upholstery or carpets do not need to be dried additionally, but parquet and absorbent fabrics can only be cleaned in dry mode.

The bulkiness of the washing vacuum cleaner complicates cleaning and storing the device. In addition, this unit cannot be called quiet.

What's better?

Experienced keepers of home comfort recommend acquiring both assistants in the difficult task of maintaining cleanliness. But if you have to make a choice, you can only make it after weighing all the pros and cons. A steam cleaner is indispensable if there are allergy sufferers and small children in the house, because it is capable of complete disinfection without the use of household chemicals. And you can’t do without a washing vacuum cleaner if you have a large number of carpets and upholstered furniture. It is also indispensable if there are pets in the apartment.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

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