How to use a steam generator

Steam generatorThe modern market of household appliances presents a variety of devices that make household chores much easier for every housewife. This includes a steam generator - an alternative to the usual iron. It is more convenient and practical to use and has a number of key features.

Definition and Benefits

A steam generator is an iron (or a tube with a special sprayer) connected by a special hose to a fixed platform. This platform is made in the form of a special tank, which is responsible for heating water and supplying steam. Passing through the hose, the steam is released out through holes adapted for this purpose. This device is used in many areas. The main application is cleaning and ironing clothes.

Steam generators have become widely used due to their advantages.

Positive traits:

  • elevated temperatures of the generated steam contribute to the disinfection of materials;
  • The process of ironing clothes is simplified, since the steamer can easily reach hard-to-reach places;
  • elimination of stains and unpleasant odors;
  • suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics and outerwear (fur coats, coats);
  • Used to clean stains on furniture, curtains, carpets. Eliminates dust mites;
  • Can be used to clean hard surfaces: tiles, floors, walls.

Steam generator for ironing clothes

Instructions for use

In order for it to be used effectively, you must carefully read the operating instructions. Manufacturers provide complete and detailed instructions for effective and high-quality use.

Pour water into the steam generator tankBefore direct use, pour the required amount of water into the tank (it is indicated in the attached manual). Remove the lid and fill the tank with clean water. We connect the device to the network. When preparing the device for use, a special signal sounds.

Important! For work it is necessary to use only clean, filtered water.

Using the switch we set the required mode. Its choice depends on the fabric and materials. We also select the heating temperature for the soleplate of the iron. These indicators are indicated on the labels of the things to be worked with.

Once the steam generator is ready, you can begin the ironing process.

Ironing clothes with a steam generator

The steam button is located under the handle of the iron. Press it and carefully move the iron over the surface of the fabric. A steam boost is also possible. This function helps when smoothing out particularly difficult folds. The steam boost button is located at the top of the handle.

During operation, the water in the tank is gradually consumed to be converted into steam. Accordingly, it must be replenished periodically. A special sensor monitors the amount of liquid in the tank and warns of its shortage. Carefully replenish the tank with the required amount of water and wait until the device is ready for use.

When working with a steam generator, it is necessary to follow not only operating rules, but also safety precautions.

Precautionary measures:

  • Avoid getting steam on exposed areas of the body. Hot temperature will cause burns;
  • It is not recommended to use ordinary running water during operation.The water being poured must be filtered in advance;
  • Incorrect setting of modes when ironing and steaming can cause damage to fabrics and materials;
  • It is prohibited to wash the steam generator under a direct stream of water;
  • Before first use, the tank must be filled with the device turned off.

Addition: The big advantage is the built-in standby mode. If the switched-on device is idle for more than 10 minutes, the steam generator automatically turns off and goes into standby mode: the iron platform does not heat up, the steam generator does not convert water into steam. This eliminates the possibility of fire if used incorrectly.

Following the rules and precautions will help extend the life of the device.


The steam generator is a universal household appliance. It has a large list of advantages and a wide range of uses, thanks to which it quickly gained the trust and favor of consumers. This device will become an indispensable assistant for every housewife.

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