How to descale a steam generator

Steam generatorOver time, limescale deposits from poor-quality water form in the steam generator. What to do to avoid this and how to clean the device yourself?

Why is scale dangerous in a steam generator?

Due to the large amount of salt contained in hard water, its frequent use in a steam generator leads to the formation of scale. The salt deposit prevents the device from heating, which leads to its breakdown beyond the possibility of repair.

Signs that a lot of scale has accumulated inside the steam generator:

  • yellow marks on clothes during ironing;
  • residues of lime flakes during steaming;
  • leakage of dirty water through holes in the sole;
  • uneven steam supply;
  • presence of extraneous noise.

IMPORTANT! Before using the steam generator, carefully read the operating instructions. There is also information about what water is suitable for your model.

In order to increase the service life of the device, it is necessary to clean it from limescale and use only clean water.

Which water is not suitable:

  • from the tap (it's too hard);Yellow marks on clothes from a dirty steam generator
  • boiled (it has sediment);
  • distilled (high temperature is required for its evaporation);
  • imported from a well (it has a high degree of mineralization);
  • a special liquid with a scent (may leave marks on clothes and damage the device).

What types of steam generators are there, and how to clean the device depending on the type

We will consider the types of steam generators, their advantages and disadvantages in the comparative table:

Pump-actionSteam is supplied under high pressure after pressing the button.Efficient and easy to use.Complex design, high cost, descaling is possible only at a service center.
GravitySteam is supplied gradually as the liquid evaporates.Easy to maintain, the design makes it easy to deal with scale yourself, affordable price.Not as effective as pump action.

Steam generator with self-cleaning functionSome models are equipped with a scale collection container. In this case, it will be enough to drain this liquid after the iron has cooled. In models with a removable anti-scale cartridge, you simply need to replace it. In steam generators with automatic cleaning, you need to fill in water and turn on the desired mode. The device will clean itself in a few minutes.

IMPORTANT! If the steam generator has a self-cleaning function, you must strictly follow the operating instructions.

Methods for cleaning a steam generator at home

You can only clean simple gravity steam generators with your own efforts.

IMPORTANT! The surface should be cleaned when the device is unplugged and cooled down. The soleplate of the iron also needs cleaning. This can be done with hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the contaminated areas.

Several effective and fairly simple cleaning methods:

  1. Cleaning with citric acid. For a liter of water you will need two teaspoons of citric acid.The resulting mixture should be poured into the tank, allowed to stand for 10–20 minutes, and then the steam supply should be turned on at full power. While the resulting liquid evaporates, you should iron some piece of fabric so that the solution with scale particles settles on it. After this, rinse the tank with clean cold water. It also needs to be evaporated at full power to cleanse the insides of citric acid.Cleaning the steam generator
  2. Cleaning with acetic acid. To prepare a cleaning solution, you need to take nine percent vinegar and mix it with clean water one to one. Pour the solution into the tank, let it brew and evaporate this liquid in the same way as when cleaning with citric acid. This method should not be used too often because the rubber and plastic parts may deteriorate.
  3. Cleaning with special descaling agents. The finished powder must be dissolved in clean water. The instructions for this product will help you determine the proportions and further actions.
  4. Cleaning with dishwashing detergent. Dilute dishwashing detergent in warm water and mix until smooth. Use a microfiber cloth to gently wipe the contaminated areas. After the procedure, wipe the surface with a clean soft cloth to remove any remaining product.
  5. Cleaning with mineral water. Mineral water should be poured into the tank. Turn on maximum mode and evaporate it completely. After this, you need to repeat the action only with clean water. This method is absolutely harmless to the device and quite effective.
  6. Cleaning using a steam bath. This method is not easy, but very effective. Suitable if the steam generator has very clogged holes that release steam. You will need a baking sheet and two wooden sticks.They need to be put in a container and the iron placed on the sticks. Pour boiling water so that it only touches the sole. Then add a special descaling agent to the water. Leave for ten minutes. After this procedure, the water will become dirty with grains of scale.

REFERENCE! There are magnetic water converters. They will save you from plaque formation forever. They are fairly easy to install and inexpensive.

Prevention of scale formation.

It is always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it. In order for the steam generator to last as long as possible, you need to follow simple rules:

  • use only filtered water or buy clean water in the store;
  • descale the appliance once a month;
  • After each use, it is necessary to drain the remaining water from the tank;
  • Do not clean the soleplate of the iron with metal sponges;
  • Always keep the device dry and clean.

Proper care and timely descaling will extend the life of the steam generator. Also, do not forget to read the instructions that come with the device.

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