How to clean a carpet with a steam generator: step-by-step instructions and sequence of cleaning steps

How to clean a carpet with a steam generator

A vacuum cleaner is often used to clean carpet, but this is not the best way. The surface should first be treated with a steam generator. Hot steam jets soften dirt deposits, making them easier to remove even by hand. Instructions on how to clean a carpet with a steam generator, as well as a description of the advantages of such treatment, can be found in the presented article.

Benefits of carpet cleaning with a steam generator

Carpets can be cleaned with regular vacuum cleaners and even by hand, but using a steam generator makes the whole process easier and more efficient. The main advantages of this method are:

  • stains are removed much faster compared to cleaning with a brush, even with the use of a special product;
  • Because the steam jets are hot, they kill most common bacteria;
  • steam softens the dirt, so after treatment all that remains is to brush or use a regular vacuum cleaner;
  • finally, the steam creates a flow of moisture, which prevents dust from flying away, so it does not enter the respiratory system.

Step-by-step instruction

Cleaning consists of several stages, and before starting the process it is important to prepare the carpet, purchase the necessary product (if required), and also select the appropriate nozzle.After this, you can begin the actual cleaning. Each stage is described in more detail in the following sections.

Preparatory stage

At the preliminary stage it is necessary:

  1. Remove items from the carpet and examine it carefully under good lighting to see which parts need special cleaning.
  2. Walk over the surface with a vacuum cleaner - do not use a steam generator on a dirty surface. Dry cleaning can and should be done in the traditional way.
  3. On especially dirty areas (for example, in grease, technical fluid), a cleaning agent is first applied.

Preparation of the product

It is not necessary to use a carpet cleaner, since the steam generator treats the surface quite effectively. But if there are fairly persistent stains, you can use a special preparation. Moreover, it should not be poured into the steam generator - it is better to spread it evenly over the surface of the stain or the carpet itself.

Nozzle selection

Almost all models of steam generators are equipped with special attachments for cleaning carpets. But if you don’t have it, it is recommended to purchase additionally, since it is difficult to work without it. Thanks to this nozzle, the steam jets effectively contact the surface, so the result will be better. Place the nozzle on the tip of the tube and get to work.

Actually cleaning

After the preparatory work, you can begin the cleaning itself:

  1. The device is connected to the network.
  2. Set the desired power level.
  3. They pass along the surface of the carpet from bottom to top, trying to blow out all the dirt.
  4. If any dirt remains, it can be removed manually or using a vacuum cleaner that operates in wet cleaning mode.

Steam generator

After this, the steam generator is turned off and all water is drained. It is better to rinse the nozzle thoroughly immediately so that the dirt does not dry out.Cleaning the carpet after treatment will be very simple. If a product was used during treatment, it must be washed off to avoid streaks. Then thoroughly ventilate the room (if the cleaning was not done outside). To do this, you can use additional means - a fan and an air conditioner.

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