What is a boiler in a steam generator

In any home there are several household appliances that make our lives much easier. The steam generator will become the best friend for every housewife, as it has a huge number of advantages and is capable of performing many functions, including ironing and cleaning. Let's take a closer look at the structure of this unit, in particular, what a boiler is, what it is needed for, and which model is best for you: with or without it.

Why is a boiler needed in a steam generator?

boiler in steam generatorFirst, let's look at the operating principle of a steam generator: this device produces steam, which is formed from water when heated. There are many different models, but the main criterion for distinguishing them is the presence of a boiler.

In the first case, the device also includes a special compartment for water. Thus, the water is heated in it, and then, using pressure, is directed through the hose to the iron itself. These models also vary:

  • Two tanks;
  • One tank;

If there is only one compartment, then the water is heated directly in it, turning into steam, and traveling through the hose to the iron, but if there are two, then the liquid makes its way to the second reservoir, falling on a special element and heating up only there.

Important! Pay attention to the volume, because if you accidentally purchase a steam generator with a small capacity, you risk constantly wasting time adding liquid to it. Of course, it all depends on the number of things that you are going to iron/clean, but you should not ignore this extremely important parameter.

A steam generator without a boiler is characterized by the fact that it does not have such a tank. The water is heated directly on the sole of the iron, immediately flowing onto it through a hose. In this case, the steam temperature is significantly lower, but this is compensated by the lightness of the unit itself.

The difference between steam generators with and without a boiler

Steam generator with boilerWhich steam generator is better: with or without a boiler? In addition to the presence of a boiler, these models have different characteristics.

Thus, steam generators with a boiler produce less humid steam with an extremely high temperature. In addition, you will have to wait some time after turning on until the device is ready for use. This factor is also influenced by the number of tanks, because in one of the tanks the water is always cold, and only heats up when it moves to the second, where it turns into steam.

As we have already mentioned, this device is larger in size, which is also worth considering when purchasing. But he irons all things perfectly. The quality of such a steam generator remains consistently high!

The model without a boiler is distinguished by the production of very humid steam, the temperature of which is lower. But at the same time, it is more convenient for use at home, because it is quite lightweight and does not take up much space. It is also distinguished by the speed of preparation for work - there is no need to wait long, because steam is formed on the heating element immediately, then released through the sole.

Which device is better: with or without a boiler?

boiler in steam generatorIt all depends on your needs. Each model is adapted to special conditions and has its own essential characteristics, which we described above.

Determine what is more important to you. If it is speed and maximum ease of use, then the choice is obvious: make it in favor of a steam generator without a boiler. Speed ​​and comfort will please you immediately after purchase.

If you want your things to be ironed as efficiently as possible and you are not afraid of the heaviness of the device with compartments, then purchase this one.

Important! Please note that if you have a lot of fabric items that require careful handling, then it makes sense to buy a steam generator with a Teflon lining. This will protect them from damage.

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