What equipment should you get rid of when you retire?

LAPTOPThe modern world is equipped with many different technologies, which hardly anyone could do without. However, with age, some of them lose meaning due to their uselessness. Thus, in this article we will consider the level of demand for devices among the older generation.

What equipment is not needed in retirement?

Of course, in order to answer the presented question as accurately as possible, you should focus on certain categories of pensioners. Since people themselves are different from each other, the answer may be ambiguous. For example, there are those who loved and love to lead an active lifestyle, and there are those who become less productive with age.

In addition, you should not miss the fact that everyone’s pension is different, therefore, one person can afford to travel in retirement, while another can afford to stay exclusively at home before watching a particular TV program. Based on the presented aspects, some conclusions can be drawn:

  • For those who like to spend time on vacation, outside the city, in nature, they may not need equipment at all.
  • Some put TV and household appliances to use in order to keep themselves busy at home. This is especially true for people at home who love to cook.
  • And there is a share of those pensioners who do not like to sit in one place: they always travel, since they have enough not only time, but also money.

Does a pensioner need a computer?

microwaveFirst you need to understand the purpose of the PC itself. First of all, it is a source of obtaining new information or spending leisure time. Activities take place through the use of the Internet. So in this matter it is also worth starting from the specifics of an elderly person. If this is an advanced user who likes to watch movies on a PC or read books using it, then perhaps the answer can be positive.

REFERENCE! When we talk about people with a traditional worldview, we should assume that there is no demand for this technology. This is explained by conservative views, in which paper literature becomes a priority.

What equipment do you buy for work?

WASHING MACHINEThe main thing here is to at least roughly consider the working day of an ordinary person. So, getting up early in the morning, most people go to breakfast after water procedures. At this stage, the first use of various technologies appears. In order to minimize the time spent on food, many people use microwaves, multicookers, coffee machines, and kettles for this. It is devices like these that make our lives much easier.

Next, you can touch on that part of the day that relates directly to time spent at the workplace. Basically, the same category of equipment is in great demand in the office. However, this can also include air conditioners, different types of fans, or even heaters, depending on the time of year. Indeed, sometimes you can’t do without them.Thus, with the help of some modern facilities, you can reduce the time both for getting ready and for breakfast and lunch before the working day.

Conclusion: what can you throw away after retirement?

CELLULAR TELEPHONEMost older people refuse specialized mechanisms. This includes various air grills, waffle irons, electric grills, barbecues and so on. There is simply no particular need for such a category. Most often, standard devices remain in use and cannot be replaced. Thus, we can highlight the significance among the following equipment:

  • TV;
  • Microwave;
  • Iron;
  • Cellular telephone;
  • Washing machine;
  • Electric kettle;
  • Plate.

Of course, the list may expand depending on the user, since the question is considered quite individual for each person. Some people also continue to use a personal computer instead of a regular TV or on the same basis as it. And some are the opposite: they deny any interaction with any modern structure. Thus, even replacing a vacuum cleaner with a regular mop and the like. Of course, even such a choice can be understood and accepted.

Comments and feedback:

“activities take place through the use of the Internet” - I would like to know from what language the translation was made? Or you just need to learn how to speak Russian correctly from some pensioner, and this results in an article by a resident of the Moon about the life of microbes on Mars. I apologize, but there is no need to get into a place where you know nothing at all (to put it mildly).


Author, go back to school, learn sentence agreement, appropriate use of words. Or maybe it’s better not to. Master a device like a vacuum cleaner and work as an on-call cleaner, preferably silently. Such incoherent heresy is pouring out of you... What is the editor paying money for?


Oooh... Here along the way we, pensioners, are being culled. Are we already taught what kind of frying pan to cook in?! I'm a 62 year old programmer, so what? Will you let me keep my laptop? But I haven’t used an iron for a long time; there’s a steamer for that. And also, if everything listed in the article functions successfully for me, except for the iron :0), should I give it to a younger neighbor?


The author of the article has poor knowledge of the Russian language, lack of thinking, and is captivated by stereotypes.


“What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is!” - said a famous artist in a film familiar to everyone. In my opinion, there is now a wave of aggression from the younger generation towards pensioners. What is this disadvantage of raising “young” children?? Without a computer, it is now impossible to find out anything from a landline phone, even the time of train arrival and departure. How they boast about the fact that they work somewhere, not realizing that we worked our 40 years continuously and without absenteeism and also traveled by public transport and had the conscience not to take the front seats! They believe that we are ballast for which they work, supposedly providing us with pensions. But the solidary pension system is a thing of the past and our generation turned out to be the most disadvantaged, because at one time we provided decent pensions to the older generation, and the current ones work for themselves, and we earned our 10-ruble pensions many times over, ensuring ourselves a 20-year survival age, as our legislators say.Or maybe with such posts they want to show how advanced they are compared to us, whom they call “scoops”, “bots” and other slang!


I am 72 years old, I am a teacher and I work. Health is not exactly a fountain, but without working with children in additional education, the boredom is terrible. It’s funny for me, a professional teacher-artist, to talk about hobbies - I work with glass as a professional, not a hobbit. And just imagine - I come to class without an Apple phone, without a tablet, with an inferior laptop? Yes, I will never allow myself this - the children have it, but the teacher has nothing? And that’s why I simply don’t have any equipment that needs to be thrown away)))) But I have all the kitchen appliances, except I don’t have a dishwasher, but I can wash it for two people. I use what I need at the moment and will help me prepare something interesting. There is enough cleaning equipment, as well as all sorts of small household and technical items. So don't teach us what we need or not. What I want and can afford, that’s what will happen. Live until retirement and have fun as you want. Good luck in mastering any technology)))


Just to philosophize publicly.


I am retired and actively use modern technology. The first computer is for me banks, communication, interesting recipes and entertainment, as well as movies that I can download for myself. The second kitchen includes an electric meat grinder, choppers, blender, juicer, multicooker, microwave. Now I have ordered sous vide for myself and everything that is needed for it, so I am mastering new technologies - thanks to the Internet. I forgot, I’m also trying my hand at sausage making (just for myself).In addition to this, I have an excellent refrigerator with reduced electricity consumption, a good heating machine, two large flat-screen TVs and an electric water heater (50 liters), which I use when the hot water is turned off. There is no need to consider pensioners idiots who no longer need anything in this life. All people are different. But the article is about nothing.


What about the State Services website? Without it, it is impossible to find out about taxes, replace your license, make an appointment with a doctor, etc.
The writer of the article seemed to have fallen from the moon.


After retirement, does life really stop and a person no longer needs anything? The author went too far with his article. Personally, nothing has changed for me. I still live and enjoy all the delights of life, and why should I give up anything?


I am 72 years old. “And don’t teach me how to live...”! Don't limit me to this lame list for your home. I'm not going to throw away anything that I have. And I’m going to buy new equipment and learn how to use all the fantastic new household appliances.


I wish the author to apply all his recommendations on himself


I am a pensioner, and let me decide for myself what equipment I need and what to throw away. Useless article, just to write something.


I’m not a pensioner yet (but soon I will be):)), but I was also amused and outraged by this article! I agree with all previous commenters. The article is ABOUT NOTHING! It seems that the author considers pensioners to be mentally retarded subjects who are not able to decide for themselves what they need and what they don’t.And in general, they have already gored (pardon my “French”) :)) such “authors” with their advice - what “aged” people can wear and what they shouldn’t, how to put on makeup, comb their hair (etc.) and as “it’s not possible.” :) Youth! Leave us alone (“older people”), please! :)) We are not teaching you or telling you whether you can walk around half naked, in some strange clothes, shoes and with tattoos all over your body. :)) So don’t teach us - we are no more stupid than you, honestly! :) Someday you yourself will also be pensioners, if you’re lucky (as they said in one Soviet film). :)


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers