Do you need a multicooker?

MulticookerThe modern kitchen is rich in a variety of household electrical appliances. This variety is complemented by a multicooker. What kind of device is this? The ancestor of the multicooker was the rice cooker, invented in Japan. At first they only cooked rice on it. Then various cooking modes appeared. The next step was to be able to cook other dishes. Then it became possible to set cooking programs. Modern multicookers allow you to prepare a wide range of dishes. They can be used to warm up cold food. Multi means "many". And this device lives up to its name. They fry, stew, and bake on it.

An additional bonus is a set of various accessories. Such accessories are additional dishes. The kit may include oven mitts, spoons and even a guide with recipes.

Why do you need a multicooker?

The debate about the need for this technique continues. Who can use it and why?

  • Save time. You can save a lot of time with this kitchen appliance. And it’s not even that everything cooks faster in a slow cooker. Some dishes can be cooked on it faster than on the stove, while others, on the contrary, are slower. But it works using the program. You can set it to the desired mode and go about your business. Everything will be done automatically.It just takes some time to get used to using this device. Time is also saved due to the fact that there is no need for a large number of utensils, which are used in the classical method of cooking.
  • Saving space in the kitchen. This is an important point. Especially if the kitchen is small.
  • An alternative to shared kitchens. In student and other dormitories you can often find shared kitchens. An alternative to such a kitchen can be a multicooker. With its help, you can organize a kitchenette in your own room. The need to use a shared kitchen may not completely disappear. But it will definitely decrease.
  • Easy to use. A multicooker is a simple device. This applies to washing it and cooking with it. But here we need to make a reservation right away. It will take time to master different cooking programs on it. But compared to regular cooking, you won’t have to wash mountains of dishes. You only need to wash the multicooker.
  • Safety. Those who constantly cook food have at least once encountered the situation of leaving the stove with food, a kettle or a cup on. Then, for some reason, they forgot about this food. For example, relaxing on the couch, watching TV, talking on the phone. After some time, a burning smell was felt. A slow cooker will help you avoid all these troubles. Automation will control the cooking process.

Is it possible to replace the multicooker with another device?

This technique applies more to additional devices. She cannot completely replace the stove. For housewives who like to spend time in the kitchen, a regular gas electric stove and oven will be a replacement. With classic cooking, you can diversify the process.And for those who enjoy standing at the stove, a multicooker can be useful only in cases of lack of time.


It can be partially replaced by other household appliances. For example, double boilers or a classic pressure cooker. But they do not have as many modes and the ability to prepare the same range of dishes. In this they are inferior to a multicooker.

What is the need for this device in the home?

In a house where there is a full-fledged kitchen and a desire to cook, a multicooker may be needed as an additional appliance. Life does not stand still and a situation can always arise when you need to prepare lunch or dinner on time, but there is not enough time. A multicooker allows you to do several things at once. She will cook the food, and at this moment you can do other things at the same time.

MulticookerIf the kitchen is small or does not exist at all, then this device will be an excellent solution for preparing many dishes. It takes up minimal space. And where, instead of the kitchen, only a corner is allocated, the device will fit perfectly into such a space.

Important! Lovers of a healthy lifestyle have long liked the multicooker. Food can be steamed.

How advisable is it to buy a multicooker?

You should only buy such a device if you clearly know how it will be used. Otherwise, it can only become a good interior decoration. There are many housewives who prefer to cook in the traditional way. They are not comfortable using food processors, mixers, and multicookers. For them, these devices will not be functional. Then is it worth spending money on them?But even those who previously preferred to prepare food using traditional methods are little by little beginning to appreciate the possibility of such kitchen appliances. After all, it makes our life easier.

MulticookerFor people engaged in office work, such a unit will be a lifesaver. Lack of time is a common problem among office workers. Everything needs to be done in time; you often have to return home late. What kind of cooking is that? A good portion of office workaholics find a way out in fast food, baked goods, and processed foods. But if you constantly eat like this, you will soon have health problems. A slow cooker can be a great way out. You can set the program and relax. At the same time, do not be afraid that something will “burn.”

Lovers of technology and know-how will love the multicooker. After all, she is an excellent example of effective solutions.

It will come in handy where there is a lot of cooking. When you have a large family and need to quickly prepare a large amount of food, you can use this device in addition to the stove. For example, while the meat is cooking, fish can be prepared as a side dish in a slow cooker.

Modern technologies are firmly entrenched in our lives. If some time ago cooking was under human control, today appliances themselves can control these processes. Of course, a kitchen appliance does not have creative thought and can only perform standard operations. But it saves time by eliminating many routine processes.Multicooker

Important! Although a multicooker is considered a safe device, you should not completely trust the entire cooking process to the device. Uncontrolled access to this device should be limited to children, people with mental disorders and disabilities.

A slow cooker is not the answer to every problem.But with its help you can complement and diversify the cooking process. And the time saved will be a pleasant addition.

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