Why do you need a multicooker?

Multicooker.Every manufacturer of household appliances is constantly working to make our lives easier. They especially try for the household - almost every house is filled with dozens of appliances. But housewives spend most of their time in the kitchen, and to free them from the responsibility of monitoring food preparation, a unique device was invented - a multicooker. About 5–6 years ago, few people understood what it was, but today this “helper” is found in literally every second family. What is it about her and why did she win the love of housewives?

Why do you need a multicooker?

Why do you need a multicooker?A multicooker is an electric appliance that is equipped with a bowl - a saucepan. In addition to the bowl, there is a display indicating the various cooking modes, and a body with a tight-fitting lid. The bowl is made of ceramic or Teflon coated. It’s also nice that the multicooker is compact - you can easily place it in a corner or on a windowsill, and cook a full meal there. Thanks to the coating of the bowl and the modes, you can easily leave this “pot” to cook on your own, while you take a walk with your child or do other things.

The compact size of this device does not at all dictate the preparation of small amounts of food. Multicooker bowls have an average volume of 5 liters. Typically, there are about 8 cooking programs in different models.There are also functions such as “delayed start” or “warm-up”. Surprisingly, many dishes in a slow cooker do not require human presence at all - you don’t even need to mix the ingredients and make sure they don’t burn!

IMPORTANT! The success of dishes in multicookers strictly depends on the given proportions and quantity of the dish. As a rule, the volume of the bowl is always the same, so the quantity of products can easily be set to the same amount. By following all the recipe tips, you can get amazing dishes in an unusual cooking method.

In order not to be led by the enthusiasm of housewives and not to purchase a kitchen appliance that is useless for yourself, you need to understand why a multicooker is simply necessary:

  1. For simple preparation of porridge. Perhaps this tedious morning task is the most important thing that can be transferred to the “shoulders” of the multicooker. Taking into account the delayed cooking modes, you can lay down everything you need in the evening, and in the morning you can enjoy a beautiful dream.
  2. For quick preparation of soups. As a rule, when preparing soup, it is impossible to leave the stove. Either you need to throw something in, or you need to make sure that it doesn’t “run away.” The multicooker does not have this problem - you can easily throw everything in and leave by selecting the desired mode.
  3. For trouble-free baking. Not every housewife makes a successful debut in baking. And to minimize the risks for pies, you should entrust this task to a multicooker.
  4. For steamed dishes. In addition to the main bowl, the device is equipped with a removable stand for steamed dishes - here you can place meat, poultry, and vegetables. And all this - in one place, without buying a separate steamer.

The equipment itself is usually equipped with a book of recipes, and there are a lot of them on the Internet.Only when choosing the one you like, you need to bet on your model, its modes and features.

The principle of operation of a multicooker

The principle of operation of a multicookerAll multicookers are divided into two types according to the heating method - using a tubular electric heater or using induction heating. The general operating principle of any device is as follows:

  • a heating element is installed under the bowl;
  • the lid is very tight and does not allow incoming air to pass through;
  • the device has a valve that is responsible for the pressure value;
  • Depending on the selected mode, the processor evaluates the products and sets the desired temperature and time for the dish.

Multi-cookers heated by heating elements have round elements in the lower part - one along the diameter of the entire bottom of the bowl, and the second in the middle, small in size. The larger circle is the heating element, and the circle in the middle is the temperature sensor. It regulates the operation of the main element, and, depending on the selected mode, can periodically turn it off and on.

Induction heating is conductive heat through electromagnetic waves that heat the bowl itself. There are no separate heating elements, and the bowl has thicker walls, which retain heat longer.

Pros and cons of a multicooker

Despite all the listed advantages, the device may also have some dubious characteristics. For an objective assessment, it is worth identifying both the pros and cons of the multicooker. So, the undoubted advantages are:

  • compactness and mobility of the device;
  • work from electricity;Pros and cons of a multicooker
  • no need to monitor food;
  • the ability to set the desired cooking time;
  • ideal for those who do not know how to cook;
  • the ability to use little oil and fat;
  • better preservation of vitamins and microelements;
  • variety of modes and possibilities for ready-made dishes.

Perhaps every innovative device has an army of opponents. This did not bypass the multicooker either - there is a set of disadvantages that make it gather dust in the closet after purchase:

  • simplicity of prepared dishes;
  • inability to achieve a crispy crust on meat or poultry;
  • longer cooking times for some dishes.

Undoubtedly, there are opinions that pilaf in multicookers is not even close to the same dish from a cast iron cauldron, but these are rather subtleties of taste perception.

Who should buy a multicooker?

The presence of insignificant disadvantages still cannot outweigh the advantages that the multicooker undoubtedly has. So versatile, easy to use and functional, it's perfect for:

  1. For a family with small children who always need a lot of attention. Mom can easily free up a lot of time, because the multicooker can do everything itself.
  2. For adherents of healthy eating. Thanks to the Teflon coating, you can cook with a minimum amount of oil. True, it takes more time, because the principle of operation is to cook the dish evenly and slowly.
  3. For new settlers who don’t yet have a stove or summer residents who don’t need a stove all the time. The device can prepare almost anything - from liquid hot dishes to baked goods, and easily feed the whole family. True, you won’t be able to cook 2 dishes at the same time.
  4. For schoolchildren who are already trusted to prepare their own meals. You can’t burn yourself in a slow cooker, ruin the dish, or forget about it and cause it to burn. It is enough to prepare the necessary ingredients, load them into the bowl and set the desired mode. Even a schoolboy can do it.

Perfectly combining the functions of a saucepan, frying pan, oven and cauldron, the multicooker has firmly entered the lives of many. Lack of time is a problem not only for young mothers, but also for the working population. And it’s much more pleasant to return to work, put food in a “smart” bowl, set a routine and do small things, while waiting for a delicious dinner.

Comments and feedback:

only a cooker. how to cook soup by adding everything at once?? people here are generally incompetent in cooking. and pilaf? -What kind of pilaf will you get in a closed pot?


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