How to get rid of odor in the freezer

How to remove odor from the freezer? The freezer is a useful invention of mankind. It is capable of preserving food for months: fresh vegetables and fruits last until winter, and meat does not spoil while you are thinking about what to cook with it. But often we are faced with such an unpleasant thing as an unwanted smell from the freezer.

Why does the refrigerator freezer smell?

Why is there an odor in the freezer?It can occur for a number of reasons:

  1. When the fish has been lying around for four years, but it’s a pity to throw it away. Even at sub-zero temperatures, products have an expiration date. And after a few months they begin to deteriorate and become a source of stench.
  2. When the power is turned off during repair work on the line. And so on for several days in a row. Food thaws, spoils and stinks. Although you may not even be aware of the interruptions.
  3. Cooked and raw foods themselves can have a strong aroma. And when they are mixed, a thermonuclear mixture is formed. And even the eternal ice of the freezer will not interfere with this union. So store your food in airtight containers or freezer bags. And if possible, sort them in compartments by type: meat, fish, vegetables.
  4. New electrical appliances already have an odor from the factory.If you haven’t thoroughly washed your new items after purchasing them, don’t be surprised if the products begin to smell like plastic.

Ways to get rid of unpleasant odor

Getting rid of odors in the freezerIf there is an odor in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, how to get rid of it? First of all, you need to make an audit of the products. Throw away everything you don't need. Seal everything you need.

Secondly, unplug the refrigerator and let it thaw. And then - wash the refrigerator with the products of your choice. Read more about them below.

Purchased funds

Mix dishwashing detergent or multi-purpose detergent with water and thoroughly clean your freezer with the solution.

Important! How to eliminate odor in the refrigerator freezer? Walk under the rubber bands that seal the chamber, because water can also accumulate there. Pour out the liquid and dry the tray, if there is one.

Do not use laundry detergents or other non-food detergents. Food products will come into contact with surfaces washed with it, and many of the synthetic compounds are hazardous to health. This fact is always indicated on the packaging of such substances. Read the label before use.

Buy a special product in the hardware department of the store. You place it in the chamber and it absorbs all odors.

There is a more expensive option - ozonizers. A special device fights the cause - kills putrefactive bacteria. The main thing is not to forget to change the batteries.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods for getting rid of odors in the freezerHow to remove odor from the refrigerator freezer? To clean the refrigerator, use acetic or citric acid. They are great at combating unpleasant odors.

While the freezer is drying, place a sorbent inside, which will absorb the odor from the chamber.From what is often found on the farm, the following are suitable:

  • Citrus slice;
  • Peeled onion;
  • A plate with baking soda, salt;
  • Rice;
  • Ground natural coffee;
  • Tea bags;
  • Several tablets of activated carbon;
  • Black bread.

Prevention of odor elimination

Preventing odors in the freezer

Of course, it’s easier to prevent the stench from appearing than to bother with getting it out later. Follow a few simple tips, and your life will not be overshadowed by this annoying nuisance.

  • It is important to monitor the expiration dates of products, getting rid of unnecessary ones in a timely manner. Conduct recounting with a certain amount of criticism. If you doubt that you will eat it, it’s better to give it to a friend or neighbor, if it’s too bad to throw it away;
  • Keep your freezer clean and store food in special bags or containers. Train yourself to fulfill this requirement even in a hurry. Or even if you are very lazy. This fish without a bag may be the reason you spend several hours of your weekend with a rag in front of an open freezer;
  • Do preventative cleaning once every 3-4 months;
  • Leave a commercial odor absorber inside the working freezer. Simply place the jar on the door or place it in one of the compartments. Do not forget about its existence and periodically replace it with a new one;
  • Ensure trouble-free operation of your freezer. And if it shortens on its own, it’s time to sound the alarm! Faulty electrical appliances in the home are very dangerous. Do not neglect your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

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Washing machines

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