How to remove odor from a microwave

how to remove odor from microwaveThe microwave oven has become an indispensable tool in the modern kitchen. Its useful functions save time when heating, defrosting, and cooking.
And improved models have additional grill and convection functions.

Useful household appliances, in turn, require attention and proper care.
Let's figure out how to get rid of such a problem as the smell inside the microwave chamber.

Why does the microwave produce an unpleasant odor?

During operation, unpleasant but inevitable processes occur.

  • Fatty drops splash out
  • The crust burns.
  • Liquid spills.

Accordingly, an unpleasant odor appears.

Cooking specific dishes (fish, meat, and even with pronounced seasonings) will also leave a lasting aroma behind.

Not only does the oven itself begin to smell, after which the newly prepared food also absorbs these odors.

Important! Be sure to systematically remove oil splashes and food debris that have stuck to the inside of the appliance.

Over time, they will also cause an unpleasant odor to appear.

To ensure there are no problems with your device, Be sure to use special protective caps or lids.

Wash it regularly and After cleaning, leave open for ventilation and complete drying from the inside.

However, odors can be very persistent. Let's figure out how to fix this problem together.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor using improvised means

So, for some reason, there was an unpleasant odor in the microwave.

the washing up

microwave cleaning

Let's start eliminating it. Wash the inside of the appliance thoroughly: the sides, back and top walls, including the plate itself and the microwave door.

For cleaning you will need:

  • water at room temperature;
  • sponge without abrasive coating;
  • household detergent.

It often happens that one wash is enough to eliminate the smell in the microwave.

But if the smell does not disappear, we find its cause. And we begin to work directly to eliminate the problem.

Some useful tips to avoid smelly troubles.

  • Always use a plastic microwave lid. As a last resort, you can cover the food being heated with a regular plate.
  • After using the microwave, keep the door open for 2-3 minutes.
  • You can sometimes use whitening toothpaste for freshness and prevention. Apply to a napkin and rub the inner walls. Then wipe the oven with a clean damp cloth. A pleasant aroma is guaranteed to your device.

Proper care and operation will not only save the microwave from an unpleasant odor, but will also extend its service life.

How to get rid of specific odors from food and popcorn

When cooking or heating some dishes (fish, meat, garlic, popcorn or sour milk), persistent specific odors remain in the oven.
Moreover, they may not erode for several days.

Such products as coffee and soda will help to quickly remove the odor.


1 way

  • anti-odor soda

    Mix 3 tablespoons of regular baking soda in warm water.

  • Place the container in the microwave.
  • Set the mode to maximum power and the timer to 15 minutes.
  • At the end of the time, do not open the door immediately, let the solution cool.

This “water bath” is an excellent and safe option for your household appliances.

Method 2

  • Take 2 tablespoons of baking soda per 50 ml of warm water, stir thoroughly.
  • Use a cotton swab or napkin soaked in this solution to wipe the inside of the oven.
  • Don't wash it off! Let dry.
  • Repeat the procedure several times.
  • Rinse off the soda solution.
  • Wipe the walls dry and let the device dry with the door open.


coffee smell

Wonderful absorbent and natural flavor. Perfectly neutralizes the unpleasant source of odor and replaces it with your own.

You can use a natural, strongly brewed drink, naturally without sugar and milk.

  • Prepare the solution.
  • Refrigerate.
  • Dampen the napkin.
  • Wipe the inside of the device.
  • Rinse off after 2-3 hours with warm water.
  • If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • Let the device dry without closing the door.

How to remove burning smell

The smell of burnt lingers for a very long time and is persistent. The timer was set incorrectly, the power was too much, and in the end, the program was set wrong. There is smoke coming from the chamber, which means that the packaging, plastic container or food that was not removed was burnt!

Let's try to fix the problem using improvised means.


  • lemon smell

    Cut the lemon into large pieces, along with the zest.

  • Place the slices in a container with water.
  • Set the mode to "full power". Timer for 15 minutes. The lemon water should be boiling.
  • After the specified time has passed, do not remove the container. Let the solution cool.
  • Wipe with a dry cloth.
  • You can repeat the action again, refreshing the lemon.

This lemon sauna will perfectly refresh your microwave from the inside.



Another good remedy is table vinegar, which can relieve discomfort. The downside of this method: not everyone likes the smell of acid. But it wears off easily.

Important! Do not confuse table vinegar with essence. When using it, reduce the amount of acid.

Vinegar perfectly removes odors from plastic, glass, and ceramic surfaces and in addition disinfects them.

  • We dilute the acid 9% 1 to 1 with warm water.
  • We soak a napkin in the solution and wipe the inside of the microwave oven.
  • We give time for reaction, 3-5 minutes.
  • Wipe with a clean damp and then dry cloth.

Important! It is impossible to heat an acidic solution, as the chemical reaction can damage the walls of the furnace.

How to clean the microwave from the smell of grease

When heating food that is not covered with a protective cap, greasy droplets splash out, which over time produce a disgusting smell.

If the smell does not disappear after washing, we suggest using the following products that are available at home.


odor salt

Like coffee, it is a wonderful absorbent and can remove unpleasant odors.

  • Pour salt (approximately 100–200 g) into a wide container.
  • Leave in the microwave for 10–12 hours.
  • We put it inside and close the door. No heating required!
  • After the specified time, the salt is thrown away; it has absorbed odors.

And the microwave will smell neutral.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon

A natural neutralizer for unpleasant odor. Absorption occurs like salt.

  • You need to grind 5-7 charcoal tablets.
  • Pour the charcoal powder into a container.
  • Leave in an open container (without heating or diluting with water) in the oven.
  • Leave for 10 to 12 hours.

Coal will rid the device of any odor.

What to do if your microwave smells like plastic

High-quality modern household appliances should not have any odor. However, it is possible that for some reason, for example, to save money, you purchased an inexpensive device. It may smell like plastic.

All of the above methods will help you get rid of it: lemon, salt, vinegar. Let's add two more to the treasury.


anti-odor newspapers

This is an excellent material that absorbs not only liquid, but also unpleasant odors.

  • Take a newspaper and knead it well.
  • Stuff the crumpled sheets into the microwave cavity.
  • Leave for 10–12 hours. Better for the night.
  • In the morning, remove the paper.
  • Wipe down the walls as needed.

You will see that the smell has disappeared.


Baking soda will remove the smell of plastic well.

Advice: This method is also suitable for food containers made of this material.

  • Take baking soda and lukewarm water. Add enough to make a soda slurry.
  • Apply this solution to the inner surface of the walls.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • In the morning, wipe with a damp cloth and then with a dry cloth.

NDon’t forget to ventilate the microwave more often by leaving the door open for a while.

Microwave odor control chemicals

There are also ready-made ointment removers. These are purchased household chemicals.Regular grease removers, which have fairly strong chemical flavors, will help you.



Take economy options such as Dosya, Fairy or AOC.

  • Squeeze a drop of product onto a soft, damp sponge.
  • Lather thoroughly until there is a good volume of soap bubbles.
  • Place the sponge in the microwave and turn it on high. 5–7 minutes will be enough.
  • Allow the soap bath to cool without opening the door.
  • Finally, wash the inside of the microwave and wipe dry.
  • Keep the device open for a while.



As a rule, they are produced in the form of a spray. That's why Apply the product only to a napkin.

Important! To avoid getting the product into ventilation gaps, do not spray it directly onto the walls. This could damage the device.

  • Using a napkin, rub all the walls, corners, and rotating parts of the bowl.
  • Give time for the chemical reaction.
  • Wipe first with a clean damp cloth, then with a dry one.
  • Leave the door for a while to ventilate the chamber.

How to avoid unpleasant odors

cook in microwave

Any technique requires proper use and compliance with the appropriate operating rules. And the microwave is no exception.
Otherwise, troubles cannot be avoided: fire, burns, food spoilage. And as a result, the failure of the electrical appliance.

Here are a few rules that should be applied to avoid adding unpleasant odors to the food and the oven itself.

  • Use the right utensils, suitable for the oven.
  • Cover foodso that it does not splash.
  • Do not turn on the device idle.
  • Leave a glass of water inside the oven. If turned on accidentally, the water will absorb the idle microwaves.
  • Use microwave ovens only for their intended purpose., in accordance with the instructions for use.
  • Do not leave food being cooked or reheated unattended.. This way you can control the process and avoid burning.
  • If you use disposable plastic or paper tableware make sure that it can be used for heating and does not consist of flammable materials.
  • Do not use containers with a narrow neck, the food will boil and will definitely flow out.
  • Products with food membrane (eggs, corn, liver, tomatoes, sausages, sausages), as well as in sealed packaging be sure to pierce in several places with a toothpick, this will prevent the food from “exploding.”
  • During cooking don't use a lot of oil. This may result in the product splashing on the walls.
  • Don't be lazy After each use, ventilate the device.

Remember! If you follow our recommendations and constantly lightly clean the appliance, your kitchen assistant will not be afraid of any odors.

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