How to clean a microwave

how to clean a microwaveIt is impossible to imagine a modern housewife's kitchen without household appliances. These helpers have become a part of our lives.
They improve quality and save you from routine homework.

The microwave oven is one of these useful appliances.

It is used for heating, defrosting, cooking and baking food.
All these functions leave traces in the oven: greasy stains, splashes, drips, particles of dietary fiber.
As with any equipment, it requires proper care and timely cleaning of the device.

How to clean the inside of a microwave oven

What products can be used for cleaning

To quickly clean a contaminated surface from grease, minimize costs and speed up the washing process, there are many available products.

All of them are available at home and are easy to use. The main thing is to know the degree and nature of contamination, as well as the approximate time of last cleaning.
Taking into account all factors, we use products from simple folk ones (for example, laundry soap) to ready-made store-bought chemical cleaners.

Laundry soap

The most accessible, inexpensive, but good cleaning product. The antibacterial, fat-breaking and disinfecting properties of soap can easily cover its disadvantages for some housewives. We mean bad smell.

Cleaning Solution Recipe

  • Grate the soap on a coarse grater.
  • Add warm water 1:1.
  • Beat the foam and apply it to the dirt.
  • Leave for half an hour. Then remove the dried foam with a damp cloth. And wipe the inner surface dry.

You will be surprised how effectively the soap will do its job.

Household chemicals

Naturally, you can remove fat from finished products. There are special sprays for cleaning microwave ovens. They have distinctive badges on them. We clean them strictly according to the instructions!

How to get the job done right

Before you start cleaning the oven, perform several manipulations.

  • Disconnect the device from the power supply.
  • Remove the plate or rotating disc from inside.
  • Determine the nature of the contamination and select the appropriate cleaning agent.

What not to do when cleaning a microwave

  • Do not use sponges or brushes on hard or hard surfaces.
  • Avoid highly foaming, liquid and abrasive chemical cleaners.
  • Do not use large amounts of water for washing.
  • Do not disassemble the device under any circumstances; let specialists do this.

To protect the microwave from rapid contamination, need to:

  • Use special containers with a lid. The lid has an outlet for steam removal.This will speed up the heating process and protect the inner surface from splashes of fat.
  • Use plastic caps, which are put on a plate of food.

In order to remove dirt, it is important to know what kind of internal coating your microwave oven has.

  • Enamel - the most inexpensive coating. However, it is easily damaged and chips form. Therefore, corrosion will appear underneath them.
  • Acrylic more durable, but the surface is scratched, although it is easy to wash.
  • Stainless steel It lasts a long time, is not difficult to maintain, but is susceptible to scratches.
  • Bioceramics quite expensive, but durable and easy to clean surface.

Important! Keep your microwave clean and wipe it down immediately. Stains and grease will dry out, and it will be more difficult for you to wash off these stains!

Some useful tips for getting the job donewashing the microwave

  • Apply the spray or liquid directly onto the napkin. Do not spray onto the oven walls. This will prevent solution from getting into the internal holes, which could damage the magnetron. Yes, and removing the chemical will be problematic.
  • Leave the solution on the oven walls for a while, for the interaction of fat and product.
  • After removing dirt with a damp cloth, do not forget to wipe the inner walls of the stove dry.
  • If the smell of chemicals bothers you, leave the door open for ventilation.

Advice. Cleaning products for electric stoves and ovens are ideal for cleaning microwaves.

How to clean the inner surface of fat

A dirty microwave covered with a layer of grease can cause a short circuit.
This is dangerous and will lead to a fire. Therefore, you need to clean a dirty camera in a timely manner.

Simple and fast way

A very quick (in just 5 minutes) and inexpensive way to cleanse is to wash with plain water.

  • Pour regular H2O 250-300 ml into a shallow bowl.
  • Place in the oven and turn it on at full power. 5 minutes will be enough.
  • A “steam bath” effect is created inside. In this case, steam in the form of condensate covers the entire internal surface of the stove. Drops of fat are steamed and dissolved.
  • After the entire procedure, wipe with a damp and then dry cloth.
  • If necessary, wash again.

What is the best way to remove fat?

lemon for washing
To improve the quality of work, it is worth adding special products to the water.


Lemon will not only clean the microwave, but will also perfectly disinfect it and also rid it of unpleasant odors.

  • Take 0.5 liters of water + one large lemon.
  • Squeeze out the juice and cut the zest into pieces.
  • Place the container with water and zest in the oven for 4-5 minutes.
  • Leave until cool.
  • Wipe the inner walls with the same water, and then wipe dry with a napkin.

Advice. If you add grapefruit or orange zest to lemon water, your microwave will naturally flavor itself.

Lemon acid

The method of application is the same as that of lemon, but the degree of acid concentration is much higher.
Therefore, we use citric acid carefully, following the sequence of actions.

  • Dilute 30 g (one sachet) in 300 - 500 ml of hot water.
  • Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  • Place the container in the oven at full power and leave for 15 minutes.

The only disadvantage of this method: there will be no lemon smell in the oven.

Important! If your device has an enamel inner surface, do not overuse acids!


Cleansing with vinegar is considered one of the effective methods.

  • Take 500 ml of warm water + 40-45 ml of acetic acid 9%. If you use essence, you need 10 ml.
  • Mix and microwave for 10-15 minutes at full power.
  • A steam effect is created inside, which breaks down fat droplets.
  • We are waiting for the solution to cool completely.
    — All that remains is to wipe the walls of the oven from the inside.

If you are bothered by the vinegar smell, leave the door open for a while. Place several lemon slices in the chamber for a while; they will act as an absorbent of unpleasant odors.

Advice. In case of heavy contamination, repeat the procedure or wipe the walls of the device with a napkin on which table vinegar has been applied.


Let us warn you right away: try not to scrub off dirt directly with the powder. It contains abrasive particles that may cause scratches!

  • In a glass container, mix 5 tbsp. spoons of baking soda + 500 ml of warm water.
  • Place in the microwave for 15 minutes. Hot condensate breaks down the remains of old drops of fat well.
  • Do not remove the container immediately, let it cool inside.
  • You can moisten a cloth with diluted soda and wipe away stains that have not been washed off.
  • Then use a dry cloth to bring the device to a shine.

How and what is the best smell from the microwave?

Naturally, cleanliness is accompanied by a pleasant smell. Therefore, if you have not removed the unpleasant odor, then your goal has not been achieved.

Here are some useful tips to help rid your appliance of unpleasant odors.

  • Think about lemon. This is a wonderful natural flavor. It is enough to keep a few large slices in the microwave for some time.
  • You can do this job perfectly with the help of any other citrus fruits: orange, lime, grapefruit.
  • Use aromatic herbs or infusions: thyme, mint, thyme, oregano, lemon balm. Make a water tincture with herbs, put in the microwave for 3-5 minutes.Then wipe the inner walls dry to remove any condensation.
  • Don’t forget about salt, because it perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors.. Just pour it into a small container and leave it in the oven for a while.
  • Black coffee beans placed in the microwave perfectly absorb all bad aromas. This cleaning will leave a unique coffee flavor.

Useful tips

Neatness in the kitchen and cleanliness of appliances is the key to health. Let us recall the basic rules for proper operation and care of equipment.

  • Clean the microwave 1-2 times a month. With this period of time, greasy stains are much less likely to become old.
  • To avoid problems with cleaning, try to remove dirt immediately.

If the microwave is very dirty

The sequence of work to wash it completely and efficiently.

  • We take out the round plate and the ring on which it is installed.
  • I wash them with a separately suitable product.
  • We begin to clean the chamber from the top wall.
  • Gently but thoroughly wash the grill.
  • Let's move on to the side walls.
  • The last part to clean the interior is the door.
  • If droplets of fat remain here and there after the procedures, vegetable or olive oil will help remove them. Apply it to a napkin and rub away the stains.
  • And finally, we wash the outside with microwave. Here you can use special household chemicals. Including using glass and mirror cleaners.

How and what is the best way to clean dried dirt

Here are some more tips and remedies that we haven't talked about yet. They will help restore cleanliness to a microwave that hasn’t been cleaned for a long time.



  • For 1 liter of water we take 50 ml of alcohol.
  • Wet a cloth generously and wipe away the stains.
  • You can leave it for 10 minutes to penetrate the structure of contaminants.
  • Wash off with a napkin with clean water, but well wrung out.
  • Leave the door open for ventilation.

Dishwashing liquid

  • Apply a drop of product to a damp sponge.
  • Lather.
  • Place the sponge inside on the rotating plate.
  • Turn on minimum power for 20 minutes.
  • Collect foam from the inner walls. Wipe with a clean damp cloth.

Windshield cleaner and vodka solution

  • Dilute the glass cleaner with water 1:1.
  • Apply the composition from the inside, give it a lot of time.
  • Wipe dry.
  • To remove stains, complete the cleansing with a vodka solution.

We have provided many options for washing, caring for, and maintaining the cleanliness of your irreplaceable assistant in the kitchen. And know that you always have “heavy artillery” in reserve - modern household chemicals. Use them strictly following the instructions.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers