What can be made from a microwave transformer?

microwave transformerThere is a microwave oven in almost every kitchen today. Manufacturers are improving devices, equipping them with additional functions, giving them new capabilities.
An old stove model is sometimes simply thrown away. But you shouldn't do this! After all, its components will still serve in capable hands.

Ideas for using microwave parts

Copper wire on a reel, decorated with several rows of windings and metal plates, often remains operational even after the microwave has failed. Therefore, it is too early to get rid of it.

We offer options for using a microwave transformer.

How to turn a former transformer into a power supply

from transformer - power supply

  • Remove the part from the microwave.
  • Remove metal plates. To do this you will need tools (screwdriver, chisel).

Advice. If you use a grinder, the job will be easier to complete. When doing this, care must be taken not to damage the windings.

  • Carefully remove the 3 windings.
  • For the power supply you will need one of the larger ones, rated for 220 V. It is thicker than the other, but less wire is used.
  • Wind the desired winding onto the bobbin.
  • Place the coil on a core shaped like the letter W.
  • Perform calculations for the second layer of the winding. This is done experimentally. Start with 10 turns on the core.Then voltage is applied through both windings and data is measured on the one that consists of 10 turns. If the indicator is 10, you can continue working. The final number of turns depends on how much power is needed.
  • The core is secured.

The power supply base is ready. For its final production, you will need to arrange it in a special case and retrofit it with a diode bridge and a capacitor.

This way of working can hardly be called simple. However, as a result of the labor-intensive process, you will receive a powerful power supply, the acquisition of which would require significant funds.

Welding machine

transformer welding machine
Even minor repairs in a house or garden often require welding work.

If you have an unnecessary microwave, you can make your own convenient and reliable spot welding machine.

  • The transformer is removed from the microwave.
  • Remove the existing secondary winding.
  • Make a new winding using a wire with a diameter of at least 10 mm.

Important. If you don't have a thick wire, you can replace it with several thinner wires. The main thing is that the sum of their diameters is 10 mm or more.

Tips for using a transformer

  1. When working with a thick wire, you can remove its thick insulating layer and replace it with electrical tape, one side of which has a fabric backing. In this case, the winding will be easier to make.
  2. If you are working on a welding machine, keep in mind that it will be suitable for joining thin sheets of metal.
  3. To weld thick plates and increase power, you will need a second transformer.

Comments and feedback:

Yes, wrap some “wires” with a diameter of 10 mm around something...


“...Then voltage is applied through both windings...”
Author, try it yourself, preferably with an online broadcast. So that others for whom you write will be convinced that they are not worth reading you. At the same time, everyone would watch the fireworks...
"...The final number of turns depends on how much power is needed..."
And here it is clear that the author is teaching us electrical engineering, but he himself is not even familiar with basic school knowledge: power, current, voltage
I didn’t read further...
Where do such ignoramuses come from? Is this really the current education?


Cretinism and profanity...


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