Who invented the mechanical hair clipper

who invented the mechanical hair clipperMany readers are thinking about how a mechanical device can be useful for giving men’s hair a well-groomed look. Especially today, when hairdressers are ready to do anyone’s hair.

Why do you need a mechanical model?

But the popularity of such devices is not decreasing.

Haircutting equipment will be necessary for travelers who prefer long hikes.

It will also be practical and convenient for cutting children and men's hair at home. Useful for creating short, original hairstyles.

Despite the fact that the positive aspects of electric machines prevail over mechanical ones, most stylists practice manual mechanical units in their work.

And when compared, mechanical devices outperform electrical ones in terms of reliability and durability. At the same time, they do not pose an environmental threat to current society.

Who invented such a necessary device?

Two versions about the creator of a mechanical machine

who invented
One version of the creation of the first installation for cutting hair was the claim that it was the creation of the American Leland, who lived in the 19th century.

A different story about the creation of the machine tells about another creator of a device for quickly cutting hair.This is a version about a hairdresser from Italy, Alberto Gomez, known in his close circle as Gitano.

Please note that Alberto was tormented by the long process of cutting hair with scissors, so he tried to spend every minute of his time as efficiently as possible.

Thanks to the fact that Gomez loved order in everything, in 1880 he introduced the world to a new invention - the trimmer. It is noteworthy that this device served as an impetus for humanity to create new images of men's hairstyles in the 19th century. The haircutting device from Zhitano has delighted hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Reference. The presented model was created for men's haircuts, since at that time short hairstyles for women were not yet fashionable.

The successor to the unit was a post-war electric hair clipper, released by the British in 1955. Its structure turned out to be quite simple. An electric motor was placed in a small, ergonomic plastic housing.

Description and characteristics of the first mechanical hair clipper

The sequence of actions of mechanical equipment for the implementation of men's hairstyles was as follows.

  • The tool resembled pliers with cutting teeth and a screw for adjustment. The device began to work after pressing the handle.
  • The teeth moved and cut the hair.

The machine provided was better than scissors. But using it took a lot of effort, which the stylist had almost no left at the end of the work shift.

When cutting hair, the device made errors and mistakenly pulled out pieces of hair from men. This caused enormous inconvenience and a stormy wave of indignation.

Note that in past centuries electricity was not available.In this regard, in any hairdressing salon it was necessary to use a mechanical machine.

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