How does a boiler work for heating a private house?


It's time to finally reduce your utility bills! You would say, if you didn’t think about it: “Well, we need to set something up, come up with it somehow - it’s easier to twist a counter.” It’s simple, of course, but it won’t cause problems. In just a couple of minutes we will tell you one simple and effective saving method - a heating boiler. Make yourself comfortable, we're starting!

A classic boiler as a heating device - is there a catch?

A familiar heater consists of: a reservoir and a heating element (or several of them). For connection, 2 pipes are used, to which pipes for hot and cold water are attached. So can a boiler be used to heat a house?

It might work, but it’s not powerful enough to furnish an entire house. Normal heating of 2-3 rooms should be with a device more powerful than the standard circuit. For example, for 10 square meters of room you need 1 Kilowatt of energy to get more or less good heat. That is, for a house of 80-100 square meters you need about 8-10 kW. There are simply no such boiler models!

Of course, you can say that an electric boiler can be used as heating for a summer house, since it is small and does not require many resources. But there are some pitfalls here too:

  1. High inertia.A tank with 100 liters of water and a 2 Kilowatt heater will heat the container to 70 degrees in about 2 hours. And this is without heat circulation throughout the room - you will freeze while you wait for warm pipes.
  2. Large dimensions of the tank itself. Conventional schemes are produced in order to actively use hot water for domestic needs, and not to run it through pipes. And constant water intake will only break the heater, and that’s all.
  3. Large bills for electricity. The power of the boiler is extremely low, so it will simply “puff” in order to produce at least some temperature. And he eats up electricians – a lot!

So why are there so many articles on the Internet on the topic of heating through a boiler? The point is that people simply don't know what they're writing about. In this part it is worth talking about indirect heating, which differs significantly from the standard one. Yes, both options can be called boilers, but each has its own specifics and different purposes. We will talk about indirect heaters further.

Indirect boiler for heating a private house - features

Structurally, this model is practically no different from the device we are used to. Even from the photo it is difficult to understand which is which. The main difference is in the piping running inside the indirect heater. Next, we’ll talk about why we need heating from a water heater, and not from any other household appliance.

A well-tuned heat supply means that our tank will serve as a heat accumulator. All water that passes through the “battery” is charged at high temperature through a powerful coil fixed inside the system. But if you turn off the boiler, the opposite happens: the heating element will receive temperature from the water, giving it back. So the system moves in a circle: boiler - boiler - water.

Installation diagram of a boiler heating system

After we have done all the steps correctly to get boiler heating, you will have several options for the heater:

  1. Hot water supply. Since the liquid does not undergo chemical reactions in the circuit, it can be freely used in everyday life. But to do this, you need to first think about the power of the future electric boiler for heating, since it may not be enough for both actions: water supply and heat in the house;
  2. Water heating with a built-in coil. We will need an electric heater - this way we can turn off the boiler and calmly heat water with only one boiler.

Important: think about what you want to get from an electric boiler for heating your home: a source of domestic water, a heating system, or two functions together? The future parameters of the device depend on this.

Electric boiler for heating a private house - installation and operating features


After you have made an indirect water heater yourself or bought it in a store with the necessary settings, you need to decide on the installation. An important task is to allocate a site for the scheme. Next, read the installation instructions. The best option is when the boiler is located right next to the boiler - this way we reduce the cost of adapters and additional tubes and at the same time increase the productivity of heat generation and output.

Difficulties may also occur during installation:

  • Setting up a hot water supply system. For example, if you have a solid fuel boiler, then it is better to place the heating pad directly in the boiler room. In this case, you need to purchase a pump to supply water, because the pressure in the system simply is not enough.
  • If the area of ​​the room is very large (150 sq. m or more), then difficulties will arise with space for the element.
  • Power supply for tubular heater. For uninterrupted operation of the system, it is recommended to install autonomous power supply.

Having solved all the problems, feel free to proceed with the installation.

Temperature monitoring is carried out by a built-in thermometer. It must be purchased separately. And if you did indirect heating yourself, then you can think about installing a thermometer in advance.

Place the machine on a separate platform so that nothing comes into contact with the device. If you are installing in an unheated room, the boiler needs to be additionally insulated. After securing all pipes, taps, etc., check the sealing of the connections, and only then start the system.

Having fulfilled all the requirements, you will receive a high-quality, and most importantly, economical type of home heating, and also effective.


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