Is a yogurt maker worth it to be in our kitchen?

Is it worth investing in a miracle device called a yogurt maker? In our age, a trend is becoming more and more apparent: everyone at least once in their life is obliged to do something “at home.” Homemade yogurt is no exception. How tasty and tempting it sounds!

Previously, I didn’t think about whether it was worth buying a yogurt maker. But everything happens for the first time. I wanted to eat healthy, including always having natural drinks at home.

Is a yogurt maker worth it to be in our kitchen?
Get a yogurt maker? It seems practical and convenient. However, I decided to cool my emotions and figure it out a little. Is a kitchen appliance, the main task of which is to maintain a constant temperature for several hours in a row, worthy of purchase and maintenance in the kitchen? Let's find out together. Who uses the yogurt maker most often, please advise?

Here are the main categories:

  • mothers - concern for the baby’s health encourages them to avoid store-bought yoghurts (read more about this below), and cook themselves from ingredients known to them;
  • people leading a healthy lifestyle and those with health problems;
  • lovers of homemade yogurt who do not perceive the taste of the product “from the outside.”

Not only its devoted connoisseurs have a yogurt maker. Many people buy it, but don’t use it that often. For some, it sits idle for years. For what reasons, we will partly understand in this article.

Now it is important to understand something else.

What drove all these people to buy? The desire to eat a healthy natural drink. Store-bought fermented milk products are often untrustworthy, and this makes sense.

Homemade yogurt vs store bought yogurt

The pace of life is high now. Some people think that it is faster and easier to purchase store-bought products, thereby saving time and effort.

Yes, making homemade yogurt takes hours and requires steps. How can you wait if you can just open a ready-made jar and drink it here and now!

Along with the, many agreed: when it comes to the quality of the product and the health of the family, you can try and wait!

In order to get a tasty and healthy drink at home, you usually use sourdough, for example, “Evitalia” and “Narine”, and milk.

REFERENCE. It is recommended to choose homemade milk from trusted sellers. Is it possible to buy directly from the farmer? Perfect! If you decide to use milk from a package, be prepared that you may not like the yogurt, and you will no longer be able to associate the concepts of “homemade” and “delicious” with each other. By the way, this is not a rule.

Some people use probiotic capsules instead of sourdough (Yogulact, Linex, etc.). It's more a matter of personal preference. Even Activia without additives will do if that’s convenient for you.

The finished yogurt can then be re-fermented several times, which is very economical.

If you do everything correctly, homemade yogurt turns out tasty and aromatic. There are no dyes or other substances in it that “kill” the naturalness of the taste and the entire emphasis is placed on its brightness. But you can get great pleasure by consuming a natural product, also created by your own efforts!

Pros and cons of yogurt makers

Having found out that homemade yogurt confidently holds the palm over store-bought yogurt, let’s return to yogurt makers.Let’s evaluate the pros and cons, and then draw an objective conclusion about the need for this device.

What are the benefits of a yogurt maker?Yogurt maker

• always have yogurt for small children;
• availability of convenient cups (as a rule);
• the ability to control the temperature and calculate your time.

What can you say about its shortcomings?

• if you cook regularly, you regularly wash the containers (although this is rather a drawback not of the yogurt maker, but of any cooking);
• no other functions: only fermentation of dairy products can be performed;
• takes up space, which is inconvenient for small kitchens.

There are former users of a yogurt maker who preferred other methods of preparing a homemade fermented milk drink.

Some resort to time-tested methods: heat the milk, add the starter, pour it into sterilized containers and place it where it is warm - closer to the radiator or under towels and blankets.

Others use a thermos for these purposes. Still others purchased a multicooker equipped with a “Yoghurt” mode. However, they found a couple of drawbacks with the latter - it wastes a lot of electricity and does not include suitable jars.

Another category is those who have lost their love for yogurt, or don’t drink it as often, or whose children used to eat it, but are now fed up. The result is either a yogurt maker thrown into the far corner of the closet, or a yogurt maker sold to other hands, or such people begin to look for where it is better to sell this product.

IMPORTANT. Sometimes the yogurt maker itself contributes to disappointment. When purchasing, pay attention to its material, functionality, and power. For example, it is convenient to use a device with a display and delayed start.If you find yours, you will definitely fall in love! If you don’t like something about one yogurt maker, it will seem like all the other models are useless. The cooking process will result in a waste of nerves for you, as it happened for some.

Summary: Is a yogurt maker necessary?

Natural homemade yogurt is amazing. As for buying a yogurt maker as a way to obtain it, everyone decides for themselves what is best for them.

Yogurt maker and cups Someone decides not to buy it because they are not ready to prepare yogurt every day, and do not want to spend money on rare occasions. Others buy because they buy without thinking: the issue of price is not important to them; It will come in handy a couple of times - and that’s good.

Yogurt lovers prefer it because it is their daily product and a yogurt maker is a kind of essential item. Mothers use it to prepare complementary foods for small children, which are also needed daily. You need to decide whether to buy a yogurt maker not only based on your immediate desire.

  •  Is there a great need for it?
  • Will your initiative last long? Are you committed to regularly preparing this product for yourself and your family?
  • Are you ready to give it storage space?

It may turn out that it is not advisable to buy a device yet. You may decide to spend the money on something more necessary. On the other hand, you can conclude that the most needed thing now is a yogurt maker, and it makes sense to be happy with the purchase.

I settled on the first option - I’ll hold off on purchasing. However, in the future I do not exclude the possibility of having a yogurt maker in our kitchen, because, whatever one may say, it is convenient, modern and tasty!

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