
Inhalation is a special procedure for delivering drugs via the oral route. Their main advantages are minimizing the side effects of the drug by reducing their dosage. In addition, in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, substances are absorbed faster and, accordingly, act quickly. Most often, inhalation is prescribed for the treatment of ENT diseases.

General information about inhalers

Types of household inhalersThis procedure cannot be carried out without an inhaler. In medical circles it is called a nebulizer, however, their difference is in the operating algorithm. For example, a nebulizer can spray tiny particles of a drug into the upper, middle, and lower parts of a person’s respiratory tract.

The operating principle of inhalers is as follows:

  • the medication solution is injected into a special reservoir;
  • then the drug solution in a vapor state begins to be gradually fed into the tube or mask (it all depends on the design features of the product);
  • the substances contained in the solution enter the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs.

The use of an inhaler significantly speeds up the patient’s recovery process. In addition, the ease of use of the device allows for treatment at home.

Reference! With its help, the prevention and treatment of various types of respiratory infections, bronchitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, mild colds and other ailments is carried out.

Types of household inhalers

Inhaler for the whole familyThe division of such devices into types is due to the different purposes of their purpose, the principle of operation, and the design of the devices. All systems are divided into steam, compression, ultrasonic and MESH inhalers.

Steam inhaler: operating principle, advantages and disadvantages, application

The steam-type device mainly affects only the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi). As a rule, herbal infusions are taken as medicines. The steam generated when the solution is heated to +45 °C is inhaled by the sick person through a special mask. Inhalation using this equipment is prescribed for flu, rhinitis, and runny nose. The main advantage of the device is the ability to use not only herbal, but also oil infusions. The only drawback is that solution particles only reach the upper respiratory tract.

Compression inhaler: operating principle, advantages and disadvantages, application

Compressor inhalerThe compression type system consists of a piston compressor, which, using a powerful jet of air, “transforms” the medicine into an aerosol. Such a nebulizer is capable of spraying tiny particles of drugs onto the mucous membranes of the upper, middle and lower respiratory tract. With its help, diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections, tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia are treated. The main advantage of the device is its versatility. It can be used to spray almost any medication. However, there is one drawback - the equipment makes a lot of noise during operation.

Ultrasonic inhaler: operating principle, advantages and disadvantages, application

Ultrasonic nebulizerIn these devices, drugs are broken down into tiny particles under the influence of ultrasound.They are used for the prevention and treatment of colds and infectious diseases. The effect of using an ultrasonic inhaler exceeds the efficiency of similar systems. It works silently, however, due to the possibility of disintegration of individual substances of the drug under the influence of ultrasound, its use is limited.

MESH inhaler: principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages, application

These nebulizers use a vibrating membrane to break down medications. They are used for the prevention and treatment of all respiratory organs. Doctors often prescribe such inhalation for people who suffer from tracheitis and asthma.

Reference! The MESH inhaler is a compact device that operates without making any noise. It can be used horizontally. The disadvantage of the device is its high cost.

Methods of drug delivery

Inhalation at temperatureIn addition, inhalers are divided into types based on the methods of delivering medications:

  • continuous supply during the entire session is characterized by irrational use of the drug;
  • in systems with manual adjustment there is a button with which the user determines how much solution he needs (when inhaling, the device turns on, and when exhaling, on the contrary, it turns off);
  • devices with automatic drug delivery are recommended for use in children for inhalation.

Thanks to inhalation, the substances contained in medications act precisely and are not absorbed into the mucous membrane of the internal organs of a person.

Important! Under no circumstances should inhalers be used by people with heart or blood vessel diseases.

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