What does freon smell like from a refrigerator?

An unpleasant smell in the refrigerator occurs for various reasons. If the quality of the products is normal, but the foreign aroma persists, you need to pay attention to the technical condition of the unit.

This smell not only causes inconvenience, but can also affect the taste of the refrigerated food. Many people believe that the cause of this phenomenon is a refrigerant leak. Does it smell like freon? How to determine its leakage?

Freon smell from refrigerator

Freon leakFreon is a gaseous substance that quickly absorbs heat while releasing large amounts of cold.

The main substances in the refrigerant are methane and ethane. It circulates in a liquid state in the refrigerator chamber through a special pipeline.

When evaporating after cooling the chamber, freon turns into gas. The gaseous refrigerant enters the compressor where it turns back into a liquid state.

Freon is an inert, odorless gas. It boils at sub-zero temperatures and does not burn when exposed to air. The refrigerant used in modern refrigerators is non-toxic. But some of its species, when heated to 250°, release a toxic substance - phosgene. This type of freon was previously used in Soviet refrigerator models. Since 2010, its use in household appliances has been prohibited.

It is impossible to sense a freon leak just by smell in new units. Freon R600a and R134a does not smell. Soviet models used R12 freon, which has a sweetish odor similar to medical chloroform. An unpleasant odor in the refrigerator can be caused by:

  • spoiled dishes and products;
  • plastic in the new unit;
  • damaged or contaminated deodorizer;
  • bacteria and dirt due to untimely cleaning;
  • clogged drainage system.

Important! You can find out the type of freon by the information indicated on the tag that is glued to the motor. The name of the refrigerant on which the compressor operates is written on the tag.

To get rid of unpleasant odors, you need to defrost the unit and wash it thoroughly with warm water and soap or adding dishwashing detergent to the water, and replace the deodorizer. You can use folk remedies to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. A burning smell indicates faulty wiring or motor failure. In this case, you need to call a specialist from the service center to repair the problem.

Is it possible to detect a freon leak by smell?

FridgeIn the twentieth century, over 40 types of freon were produced. When studying the state of the atmosphere and the upper layers of the stratosphere, it was found that some types of refrigerant destroy the ozone layer and negatively affect the planet’s atmosphere.

R12 gas, which was previously used to refill refrigerators, is prohibited for use in most countries. Modern cooling gas is colorless and odorless.

It is impossible to detect a freon leak by smell and external signs, so the malfunction is determined by subjective signs. A problem is indicated by a decrease in the cooling capacity of the refrigerator.

In addition to the increase in temperature, a large amount of condensate appears in the chamber due to a decrease in pressure in the compressor. The refrigerator operates normally without any extraneous noise. A sharp increase in temperature leads to defrosting of food and fogging of the internal walls.

Despite the fact that the refrigerant in modern refrigerator models belongs to toxicity class 4 and is absolutely safe, the leak must be repaired immediately after detection. Long-term operation of the compressor with reduced pressure leads to rapid engine wear and breakdown. Further operation of the unit with a malfunction in the cooling system is impossible. Repairing it must be entrusted to a specialist, and the refrigerator itself does not need to be taken to a service center. Fixing leaks and replacing freon is carried out by a specialist at home.

Attention! It should be remembered that freon leakage causes toxic poisoning when heated to 250°, so you should not install refrigeration equipment near heaters, ovens and heating appliances. Temperature changes can cause disruption of gas circulation in the pipeline, which contributes to compressor failure.

During the inspection, the technician will use a leak detector to identify defects in the pipe. When cracks and holes are detected in the pipeline, the device notifies with a sound signal. Depending on the size of the breakdown, a decision is made to replace the line or spot solder the problem area. Repairs are carried out after vacuum removal of the refrigerant from the pipes.

At the end of the work, the system is filled with new freon using a compressor and checked for leaks. Proper operation of the freezer indicates that the leak has been properly repaired.

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