Condensation in the refrigerator

Freezing in the refrigeratorExternal signs of condensation in the refrigerator compartment. If water appears in the refrigerator under the vegetable storage drawers and after wiping it off it appears again, then this is a clear indication of some kind of equipment malfunction. In addition to the above picture, you can see ice formed near the drainage hole. And feel an unpleasant smell.

In general, the presence of moisture inside the refrigerator compartment is only possible on the back wall, and only if the refrigerator has a drip defrosting system. The “crying wall” in other models is a symptom of a possible breakdown. INThis is possible precisely because the reason for the formation of condensation can be completely harmless; it is enough just to identify it.

Condensation inside the refrigerator is a problem with many older models. When freezing, the drops create impressive layers of frost and ice on the surfaces of the device, primarily in the location of the freezer. Such a snow “cap” can significantly reduce the volume of the working space, which in the future can lead to serious damage. In addition, frequent defrosting can tire the owner of refrigeration equipment.

What is the danger of condensation in the refrigerator?

Excess water in the chambers has a harmful effect on food.Under such conditions, a favorable environment is formed for the proliferation of microorganisms and mold formation. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish when condensation is a consequence of normally occurring processes inside the equipment, and when it is the result of a malfunction.

Possible causes of condensation in the refrigerator

Violations of the rules for operating refrigerators

Freezing in the refrigeratorAmong the most common violations are the following:

  • Storing liquid products without using lids. Evaporation can lead to the formation of excess moisture in the chambers.
  • Placement and storage of high temperature products. This creates an additional surface on which condensation forms due to the temperature difference.
  • The door does not fit tightly due to its distortion or deformation of the sealing rubber. Keeping the door open for a long time. The increased work of the compressor, trying to cope with the warm air coming from the room, leads to the formation of ice.

Clogged drainage elements

Drain holeWhen a blockage occurs, water returns to the chamber. It accumulates at the bottom, evaporates during the defrost cycle and settles on surfaces in the form of droplets. The blockage may be in the drain hole or in the drainage pipe. If cleaning the first one does not bring results, then most likely the problem lies in the tube.

Important! If you do not pay attention to the clogged drainage hole for a long time, the evaporator may freeze and, as a result, loss of performance of the entire refrigerator.

Violation of the tightness of the refrigerating chamber

Freezing in the freezerThe door should fit snugly against the refrigerator body.Thanks to this, the equipment will be provided with reliable sealing. Only a high-quality rubber seal, which is located around the perimeter of the sash, can prevent the entry of warm air from outside. If the seal has distortions, gaps, or signs of damage, the proper tightness will certainly be compromised.

How to eliminate condensation in the refrigerator yourself

Washing the refrigeratorWhen it comes to violations of the rules for using refrigeration equipment, the formation of condensation is temporary. It is easy to get rid of the problem by eliminating the specific cause. That is why manufacturers recommend carefully reading the operating instructions, which always come with a specific refrigerator model.

If the problem is related to the formation of a blockage, then you need to do the following:

  • clean the drainage hole using a special brush or any available tool (toothpick, match, etc.);
  • clean the tube using a thin wire 20–30 cm long.

If the reason lies in a violation of the seal of the chamber, then you need to check whether the door itself hangs correctly. It is possible that a misalignment has occurred during operation. Using the appropriate tools, the door is brought into the desired position. If the problem is with the seal, then first check its position in the channel (groove). If it comes out of the recess using a hairdryer, the element can easily be returned to its place. If defective, the rubber seal must be replaced.

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