Which type of refrigerator compressor is best?

Refrigerators belong to the category of necessary household appliances in the house. The refrigeration equipment market is represented by many different models, differing in appearance and technical characteristics.

Compressor in the refrigeratorThe design of the design is purely aesthetic, and the technical parameters are directly related to the quality of the refrigerator, its durability and efficiency. In addition to fundamental differences in the design of the compressor, refrigeration units are divided into single-compressor and double-compressor. It is important to distinguish between these parameters to select the optimal model.

Specifications and features of a single compressor refrigerator

There are several types of compressors in the refrigerator:

  • Regular – were installed in the very first units and are currently obsolete. The simplest pump pumps freon, forcing it to move through the tubes. Has two modes: “On.” — maximum load and “Off.” - complete shutdown.
  • Linear — the piston of the pump moves in the magnetic coil in a horizontal plane, pumping up the pressure of the cooling agent in the tubes. Like the previous type, it can only work at full power or turn off.
  • Inverter – a motor with a coil that creates freon pressure in the system. It differs from the others in its smooth operation, ensured by a controlled shaft rotation speed. The engine does not turn off, but simply reduces power.
  • Linear inverter – magnetic coil with adjustable frequency of piston speed. The quietest and most economical design.

Inverter refrigerator compressorThe temperature sensor measures the number of degrees in the refrigerator compartment and commands the relay to turn the compressor on or off. The last two types in the list do not turn off permanently, so the sensor signal about an increase in temperature informs the compress that it only needs to increase power, and not go to peak load, unlike the first two.

Disassembled linear refrigerator compressorHaving understood the basic structure of the compressor, you can determine the features of a refrigerator with one compressor. In such models, only one pump is used, even if the device has two chambers (refrigerator and freezer compartments). During their cooling, a single compressor operates, which does not share the need to lower the temperature in a particular chamber, and therefore operates constantly in both. Such samples do not have the ability to turn on separate cooling of the freezer or refrigerator compartment.

What is the difference between a two-compressor refrigerator?

Double compressor refrigeratorThere are refrigerator models on the household appliances market that have two compressors installed.Such samples have several pumps, each of which is responsible for maintaining the required temperature in a specific chamber. The freezer operates separately, the refrigerator operates separately. This system allows you to cool products faster, and is also convenient because you can turn off one of the compressors if there is no need to use it, for example, when your family goes on vacation.

Why, according to consumers, is one compressor better than two?

CompressorMany buyers believe that one compressor in a refrigerator has advantages over similar models with two pumps, in that the former are more economical than the latter. This is also supported by people’s conviction that there is less noise emitted by a refrigerator with one compressor. The following can be responded to both of these comments:

  • One compressor, cooling both chambers, does not choose which of them needs to pump more cold, which means it always simply works at maximum. Perhaps the freezer does not currently require freezing, and warm foods were placed in the refrigerator, but the compressor will still turn on at the order of the thermometer and begin to cool both chambers. In addition, during the long absence of the owners in the house, when the freezer is turned on, the refrigerator compartment will also be cooled.
  • Modern linear inverter compressors are practically silent and operate without sudden starts, rattling or vibrations, so the number of installed compressors will not greatly affect the noise level.

An important parameter when choosing is cost. Now you can find inexpensive models of both types on the market, but devices with two pumps will still be more expensive than models with one pump.Here, only knowledge of the expectations from the operation of the refrigerator will help you choose. It is impossible to say for sure which one is better. You must first decide on the tasks that the refrigerator should solve and only then choose a model.

What parameters of use influence which compressor it is better to buy a device with?

To choose the right refrigerator model, you need determine the necessary parameters:

  • The volume of the chambers, the number of stored products - a large family requires a large amount of food that needs to be stored in the refrigerator, which means it must cope with the rapid cooling of a large load of food. The downside is that if a person lives alone, he does not need a large volume at all.
  • Frequency of long absences from home - if the owner is away on business trips for a long time, but wants frozen food waiting for him upon arrival, it makes sense to consider a two-compressor refrigerator, which can provide cooling only for the freezer compartment. The refrigeration unit will be turned off at this time in order to save energy.
  • Load on the electrical network - if small power sources are approaching the house, but the load on them is high, then it is better to take a closer look at the inverter type of compressor. They are sensitive to voltage changes, but they create less stress on the wiring. Drops can be leveled out with an additional voltage stabilizer or the refrigerator can be protected with a separate “automatic circuit breaker” in the electrical panel.

Refrigerator compressor

Which is better - a refrigerator with one or two compressors if you plan to deep freeze food?

When deep freezing of food is planned, maximum power is required from the compressor.In order to effectively freeze a large amount of food, it is better to use a refrigerator with two compressors, because regardless of the temperature in the refrigerator compartment, the compressor responsible for it in the freezer will be focused on lowering the temperature in the minus compartment.

How the device is damaged by the frequency of power outages

Like any electrical appliance, energy fluctuations are harmful to refrigerators. Severe voltage surges can damage the compressor. Replacing it is expensive. Therefore, it is better to secure its operation using the methods described in the previous paragraph.

Important! If there is poor wiring in the room where the freezer will be installed, it is better to replace it with a new one. This will cost less than possibly replacing the pump. It is also always important to remember about the need for grounding - the body of the refrigerator is often made of metal and can easily give an electric shock if accidentally touched in the event of a malfunction.

Reference! An interesting argument in favor of a two-compressor device is the following argument: if one of the pumps malfunctions, the second one will still continue to work, so the refrigerator can still be partially used.

Selecting a model based on the number of products that you plan to store in the refrigerator

FridgeIf there is a need to constantly store a large number of products, then it is better to purchase a device with two compressors. They will allow you to cool food more efficiently, thereby extending its shelf life. This is the primary task of the refrigerator, which means it is important that it copes with it.

If the unit is not loaded to capacity, but is used by a small family, then a single-compressor model is quite suitable.The main thing to remember is that the more products are loaded into it, the higher the temperature becomes and the harder the pump will have to work to cool the chambers. Therefore, proper loading of the compartments will allow you to effectively use models with one pump.

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