How to clean the drain hole in the refrigerator

A refrigerator is a household electrical appliance that, if properly used, can serve its owners for many years. But, despite the apparent simplicity and reliability, the device can fail. A fairly common problem is the accumulation of water at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment.

The cause of the problem is a clogged drain hole. The problem is most obvious during defrosting. This article will talk about what is a drainage hole? Methods and means of cleaning.

Drain hole in refrigerator

The drainage hole is the technical hole at the bottom of the refrigeration chamber. A tube is connected to it. The tube drains water into a special plastic tray located below.

Brief description, purpose

Drain hole in refrigeratorIn refrigerators with a drip defrosting system, during operation of the compressor, slight freezing of the inner rear wall occurs (in the form of a thin layer of frost or small pieces of ice). During periods when the compressor is turned off, pieces of ice melt and flow down the back wall in the form of drops.

Next, the drainage system drains water from the refrigerator into a special tank.The water collection tank is located above the engine. The heat emanating from the engine heats the tray, and the water collected in it evaporates naturally.

How do you know when it’s time to clean the drainage tube?

Drain holeThe first sign of a clogged drainage system is a “puddle” of water under the fruit crates. If after removal, water has accumulated again, it’s time to clean the system! In refrigerators equipped with the No Frost function, a signal of problems with the drainage system is the accumulation of ice at the bottom of the freezer compartment.

Where is the drain hole in the refrigerator?

The technical hole for water drainage is located in the lower part of the rear wall of the refrigerator compartment.

In refrigerators with the No Frost system, this hole is located behind the rear protective wall of the freezer.

Cleaning methods

In most cases, you can clean this passage with your own hands. All methods come down to mechanical cleaning.

Tools, means

For cleaning you can use:

  • a special cleaning stick (for some models it is included in the kit);
  • ear sticks;
  • rubber bulb or syringe (preferably ten cc);
  • soft wire (preferably copper).

Process description

Cleaning the drain hole in the refrigeratorIt is better to start cleaning with a brush or ear sticks. Often the entrance to the drain becomes clogged with food particles. Using a brush or stick, you can easily clear the passage from the initial blockage. Afterwards you can use a rubber bulb. Fill a syringe with warm water, insert the spout into the hole and release water into the system under pressure. The water pressure should clear simple blockages along the tube. You can repeat the procedure several times.

If cleaning by syringing does not work, the next step is cleaning with a wire. To avoid damaging the plastic tube, the wire should be soft and not sharp at the end. Using a wire, push the remaining blockage in the tube towards the tray. After the work has been done, we additionally rinse the system with water from the pear.

Important! All cleaning work is carried out after disconnecting the device from the power supply.

What happens if you don't clean the drainage hole?

FridgeIf the drainage system malfunctions, water will regularly accumulate in the refrigerator compartment. This leads to increased humidity inside the chamber, negatively affecting the operation of the device and the quality of the stored products. The risk of developing pathogenic microorganisms and mold increases. An unpleasant odor appears.

Important! The plastic tray needs periodic cleaning. There are frequent cases of residual blood getting into the system and tray. As the blood evaporates, it emits an extremely unpleasant odor.

When should you call a professional to clean your refrigerator?

If the refrigerator is equipped with a No Frost system, cleaning it yourself is not advisable. In models with this system, the drainage hole is hidden behind a special panel. A qualified technician is required for cleaning.

Attention! In 90% of cases, the drainage hole in refrigerators with the No Frost system stops draining water due to freezing of the drainage tube. To fix this problem, simply turn off the refrigerator for two days - the ice will gradually melt and the passage will become clear.

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