How to store eggs: in the refrigerator or out of it?

Eggs are a popular product in every home. Poultry owners are often faced with the question of how to properly store eggs? After all, such a product, if stored incorrectly, can turn into a dangerous source of infectious diseases. Among most people, there is an opinion that they need to be stored in the refrigerator. But is it the only repository? It all depends on the period of their storage.

When can eggs be stored without refrigeration?

In cases of equipment breakdown or lack thereof, there is an urgent need to keep your products fresh for as long as possible. Also, when breeding poultry, there is an excess of eggs and there is simply not enough space for them. And then the question becomes “how long can eggs be stored without refrigeration?”

excess eggs

Like other products, they can only be stored outside the refrigerator for a certain period of time. A fresh egg can not be put in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, in theory it can be longer, but after a week the risk is already high. In summer this period is reduced to 3-4 days. To prevent the product from deteriorating, it should be placed away from direct sunlight and high temperatures. It is not recommended to rinse before storage. Under the influence of water, its natural membrane protection will be destroyed. Many people believe that a boiled egg can be stored much longer than a raw one. However, it is not. It deteriorates much faster. For example, a raw egg remains suitable outside the refrigerator for up to 12 days.Boiled it takes 5 days to spoil. Therefore, it is better to store eggs raw.

how much eggs get hurt in different environments

In European countries, it is not customary to place eggs in the refrigerator. This practice is based on the fact that they very scrupulously adhere to all necessary sanitary standards and vaccinations. These standards are adhered to not only by poultry farms, but also by private owners who have chickens on their farms. With this approach, eggs are stored for up to three weeks, provided that the optimal temperature is ensured.

When to put eggs in the refrigerator

For long-term storage, a refrigerator is necessary. Poultry products can be stored in it for up to 90 days. The egg then becomes unfit for consumption.

It is worth noting! Refrigerators are equipped with special trays on the door for a reason. It is in this part that the optimal temperature for a long and comfortable stay of eggs.

egg tray

To properly store the product in the refrigerator, the following rules should be observed:

  • Store separately from other products, because... eggs absorb odors well. This has a detrimental effect on quality;
  • Place on a tray, sharp side down. This is done to prevent the yolk from coming into contact with the layer of air that is located at the blunt end;
  • If the egg is dirty, you can wrap it in paper so as not to dirty the tray, but do not wash it.

Advice. The best place for storage may be a compartment designed for fruits and vegetables.

storage tips

Other storage tips:

  • The fresher the eggs, the longer they can be stored;
  • Store-bought eggs can be stored for no more than 45 days. Homemade eggs have a long shelf life - up to 4 months. The optimal temperature for storage is from +2 to -4 degrees. Air humidity should be no more than 80%;
  • Broken and cracked eggs should be used within 24 hours.

In order to receive the necessary benefits from food, it must be stored properly. Eggs are no exception. After the expiration date, they will turn into a source of departure.

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