Which scales are more accurate: electronic or mechanical?

For those who have extra pounds and have started to actively engage in sports, floor scales are simply an irreplaceable thing. By weighing yourself daily, you can keep your own weight under control and keep a kind of diary, recording information about your accomplishments. But choosing the right scales for home use among the wide range on the market is quite difficult.

Especially considering that all models are divided into two categories: mechanical and electronic devices. And not everyone understands which one to look for the best device. That is why we decided to figure out which scales are ideal for home use.

Mechanical device measurement accuracy

Measuring accuracy of mechanical scalesWhich scales are better: electronic or mechanical? Mechanical models have an extremely simple design, consisting of a measuring spring, which, under the influence of weight, stretches and deflects the arrow to the desired mass. Most models are produced with a division price of 1 kg, less often in 0.5 or 2 kg.

These are the devices that our parents used because they had no alternative.But in the modern world, analogues of mechanical models have appeared that show the most accurate weight. And so mechanics gradually begin to disappear from store shelves.

Accuracy of measurements of electronic scales

Electronic balanceWhich scales are more accurate: electronic or mechanical? Electronic ones work on the same principle as their mechanical counterparts. But the result is shown on a digital display. But this applies only to models representing the budget segment. More expensive devices are based on a completely different principle. To measure weight, either special plates or voltage sensors are used.

Devices from the second group are considered to be more advanced equipment. The sensor itself is a thin metal wire through which current passes. When pressure is applied to the device, the wire begins to stretch, and as a result, the electrical signal changes. This technology allows you to find out body weight with a maximum discrepancy of 50 grams. But to purchase such equipment you will need to shell out an impressive amount.

Which devices are more accurate: electronic or mechanical?

Which scales are more accurate?The advantages of mechanical units include:

  • Affordable price;
  • There are no batteries that need to be replaced on a regular basis;
  • Simple operation;
  • Long service life;
  • Durable housing;
  • Storage without special conditions.

But it is not without its drawbacks, namely:

  • Not very accurate indicators;
  • There is no way to control fat mass;
  • The technology of work has been preserved since the times of the USSR.

Electronic models will delight you with the following advantages:

  • High accuracy of indicators;
  • Modern design;
  • Availability of additional functionality.

But at the same time, these devices also have a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • High price;
  • Storage must be careful, subject to a number of conditions;
  • The device runs on batteries, which will have to be changed frequently.

Based on the information provided, we can come to the conclusion that mechanical models are suitable for users who do not want to understand modern functionality. But if the accuracy of measurements is important to you, and maintaining your figure comes first, it is better to purchase an electronic device that has a number of useful functions.

Professional advice: which scale models are better and more accurate

which scale models are betterYou can make a successful purchase only if you follow the following recommendations.

  1. Before purchasing, check which system measures the parameter: kilograms or pounds.
  2. Make sure the discrepancy is minimal. Weigh a small dumbbell and compare the results of the models.
  3. If the unit will be stored in the bathroom, pay attention only to waterproof models.
  4. It is better to purchase models with a metal case, as their service life will be longer than that of devices with a plastic shell.

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