How to clean the oven

Over time, the oven becomes covered with grease and carbon deposits that are difficult to wash off, and a persistent and unpleasant odor appears. Housewives often wonder how to quickly and efficiently clean the oven, use household chemicals, or try folk remedies. To begin with, you should arm yourself with protective gloves, provide fresh air access to the room, carefully study the instructions when using purchased products, and then get to work.

Cleaning the oven

5 effective, proven methods will help you make your oven clean again and free it from unnecessary odors.

Method one

vinegar and sodaVinegar + soda. If the walls of the oven have completely turned brown and cannot be easily evaporated with water, this method will help give them their original appearance. Treat the inner surface with 9% table vinegar (you can do this with a sponge or with a spray bottle), apply baking soda on top and leave for a couple of hours. After the time has passed, wipe the oven with a damp cloth.

Method two

lemon, vinegar, sodaCitric acid + vinegar + detergent. Before cleaning, it is advisable to preheat the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 50 degrees, then mix all the ingredients in equal quantities and apply to the walls and doors. If cleaning is carried out immediately, you can use an abrasive sponge; if you have time, leave it for 2 hours, then rinse with warm water.This method not only cleans, but also perfectly refreshes and removes odors.

Method three

Special means - before cleaning, the oven is heated for 20 minutes at 100 degrees, then sprayed or applied with chemicals, following the instructions. Some of the best oven cleaners are:

AMWAY (Belgian production).

Mode of application:

  • spread the surface of the walls with the brush included in the kit;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • rinse with warm water.

special equipmentSanitaR Multiforce - has excellent cleaning abilities and has an affordable price.

Mode of application:

  • apply gel to the surface;
  • let soak for 20 minutes;
  • treat with a hard washcloth and rinse.

FABERLIK - eats away not only fat, but also rust and burnt food.

Mode of application:

  • lubricate the oven with a sponge moistened with the product;
  • leave for 5-30 minutes;
  • rinse well with water.

NEED TO KNOW. The above products are very effective, but have a strong chemical smell; they should be used following safety precautions;

Method four

ammoniaAmmonia. Foul-smelling, old grease can be easily removed with ammonia; to do this, thoroughly treat the ceiling, walls and cabinet doors overnight, and rinse with warm water in the morning. There is another method: preheat the oven to 70 degrees, place a baking sheet with ammonia on the very top, and a container with hot water under it. Leave it overnight, in the morning, dilute the alcohol with water and detergent, and easily wash the entire surface.

Method five

Baking powder for the dough. It is necessary to sprinkle the inner surface with water, cover it with baking powder, after a few hours the fat is absorbed into lumps that can be easily removed with a wet cloth.

Oven care rules

In order not to spend a lot of time cleaning the oven, you should not start it and wash it on time. Items that make cleaning easier:

  • brush;
  • brush;
  • paper napkins, towels;
  • hard washcloth;
  • sharp instrument.

care tipsSmall brushes are convenient for applying products to hard-to-reach places, a small knife can be used to clean off burnt-on pieces of food (carefully without damaging the surface), towels are useful so as not to stain the floor. Microfiber cloths are good at removing remaining foam, dirt, and lint.


  • Never clean enamel chambers with hard brushes or sharp objects;
  • When treating the oven with chemicals, try not to touch the heating elements, fans, sealing rubber bands;
  • any product must interact with the surface for at least half an hour, otherwise cleaning will not be effective;
  • removable parts should be washed separately, using dishwashing detergents;
  • Be sure to use rubber gloves when working;
  • at the end of the work, wipe everything dry and leave the doors for ventilation.

If the equipment is not equipped with a self-cleaning system, after each cooking, place a baking tray with water and any detergent in it, turn on low heat for 30, 40 minutes, after which the steamed fat can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget about the front panel, it is what gives the oven a beautiful, marketable appearance. If it is aluminum, then droplets of fat falling on it should be wiped with vegetable oil and then washed with detergent. For stainless steel, vinegar and lemon juice are suitable; an enameled surface, on the contrary, does not tolerate acid; under its influence, the enamel gradually becomes thinner and peels off.

By regularly caring for the oven chamber and front panel, you can preserve its appearance and operating capabilities for a long time; which method or means to choose is something everyone will choose for themselves.

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