How to clean a kettle from grease outside

Electric kettleHow to clean the kettle from grease from the outside? Many housewives have faced this problem. Just a few weeks after the start of use, the outer surface of the kettle becomes covered with a layer that is unpleasant to look and feel. This is due to the fact that food is being prepared next to it, which means that it is constantly being “doused” with steam with fatty impurities from neighboring pans. So how can you return the teapot to its former beauty?

External cleaning preparation process

Any process must begin with preparation. First of all, it is worth assessing the degree of contamination of the kettle. If the stains are small and fresh, then simply rinsing the surface in warm water will be enough. You can also use regular detergents or soap. When such a procedure does not help, they resort to other methods using additional means.

Before starting the cleaning procedure, you need to prepare everything you need, namely:

  • a large container, the volume of which allows you to completely immerse the kettle in it. Use boiling water or a metal bucket;
  • a sponge, needed with both a soft and hard surface;
  • old toothbrush.With its help, it is easy to wash hard-to-reach places - areas around the spout and in the upper part of the utensils;
  • a towel or suitable rag. After using any product, even one that does not contain chemicals, the dishes must be thoroughly washed and rinsed under running water;
  • the product chosen to remove contaminants. Here it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem based on the properties of the kettle itself. The modern chemical industry offers liquid and abrasive products. The second option is not suitable for surfaces that are afraid of scratches.

When everything is prepared, you can start cleaning. Don't forget about water.

Important! It is better to use warm or hot liquid to dissolve fats.

Non-chemical methods for cleaning a kettle from grease

Electric kettle
In household chemical stores there is a large list of products that help remove any contaminants. But many housewives prefer “environmentally friendly” methods. And there are quite a lot of them. For cleaning, use regular soda, vinegar, citric acid and other products and products that can be found in any home.


A simple and affordable way. Baking soda is available in every home, and it works great on grease stains and other dirt. Before starting the procedure, the kettle is heated. Next, place it in a sink or suitable container and rub it with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge with the addition of soda. To be successful, you need to make an effort and clean the kettle thoroughly. But the result will be, and also safe for human health. After the procedure, the kettle is washed with running water, outside and inside.

Soda with vinegar

Clean the kettle
Another proven method. In this case, a large container into which you can completely immerse the kettle will come in handy.For ten liters of hot water, dilute three tablespoons of baking soda and vinegar essence. The resulting solution is poured into a suitable container and the kettle is placed there. Put everything on the fire and bring to a boil. It is enough to “boil” for five minutes. Then let it cool, rinse with running water and wipe dry.

Lemon acid

This method uses only food products, no chemicals. Citric acid is used in two forms:

  • dry powder. It can be purchased at any store;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice.

In the first case, for three liters of warm water you need two bags of powder. If you use juice, then for the same volume you will need one citrus fruit. The resulting product is poured into a suitable container, and place the kettle there. Place the pan on the fire and boil for ten minutes. Afterwards, just wipe the surface with a sponge to remove any remaining dirt and wipe everything dry.


Cleaning the kettle
The product is applied to a toothbrush or to the hard surface of a washing sponge. Next, the contaminated area is thoroughly cleaned. After the procedure, the kettle is washed with running warm water. Do not use toothpaste intended for whitening for cleaning. Abrasive components are added to such tubes, which can scratch a smooth surface.

Mustard and mustard powder

The product is widely used by housewives who prefer natural detergents to chemical ones. Before the procedure, the surface must be heated. The contaminated area is moistened and mustard is applied to it in a thick layer. The powder is rubbed into the surface and left for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the kettle is washed with running water. If the result does not suit the hostess, then the procedure is repeated.

What else can you do to remove grease from a kettle?

People have other ways to get rid of dirt on the surface of kitchen utensils. Some of them look quite exotic. You can clean a nickel-plated kettle using these methods.

Cucumber pickle

This winter preparation product is suitable not only for food. You will need a lot of brine. Place a kettle or any other kitchen utensil that needs cleaning in a suitable container. Everything is poured with pickled cucumber brine, brought to a boil and left to simmer for half an hour.

Important! After such a procedure, salt streaks may remain, which can be easily removed with a sponge and running water.

PVA glue and laundry soap

Cleaning the kettleThis combination can be used to clean surfaces from greasy stains. First, prepare a mass of soap and glue. Calculations are made for four liters of water. Pass half a standard piece of laundry soap through a coarse grater, add four tablespoons of glue. Mix everything and add water. Boil a kettle in the resulting solution for half an hour. After the procedure, the dishes are washed with warm water and wiped dry.

What cleaning methods to use on a stainless steel kettle

The peculiarity of this material is that any contamination is very noticeable. Even the smallest inclusions of fat or other substances will change the appearance of the kettle for the worse. But even in such situations, one of the following methods will help:

  • Clean carefully with baking soda. The kettle is preheated. To avoid scratches, use a paste of soda. To do this, just dilute it in a small amount of water;
  • prepare a solution at the rate of one teaspoon of soda per liter of water. You need to boil the kettle in this solution for half an hour.After cooling, wipe off any remaining dirt with a sponge. To increase efficiency, add a little vinegar;
  • Coca-Cola drink is also used for cleaning. It is poured into a suitable container, a kettle is placed and boiled for half an hour.

Regular toothpaste is also used. It is applied to the contaminated area and rubbed with a brush or soft sponge.

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