Vacuum packer for home: which one is better to choose for use?

Vacuum packers allow you to pack products in special bags. They can then be stored in the refrigerator or freezer for several days, weeks, or even months. If we talk about which is the best vacuum sealer for the home, you need to study the basic functionality and technical parameters. Practical tips for choosing are described in this article.

Types of packers

There are different types of these devices, with the presence or absence of a camera being an important criterion. If we talk about which vacuum sealer is best to buy for your home, you should consider 2 types:

  1. Chamber.
  2. Tubeless.

The first, as the name suggests, is equipped with a special camera. It is in it that the bag with the product is placed, then a vacuum is created, sealing the container. It is these devices that are cited as an example when considering how to choose a vacuum sealer for your home.

Vacuum packer for home

The advantages of these models are as follows:

  1. You can vacuum not only solid foods, but also liquids, such as soup or marinade.
  2. Efficiency - you can achieve a vacuum state of more than 95%, often close to 100%, if you know how to use a vacuum sealer (at the same time, for models without a chamber it reaches a maximum of 90%).
  3. Consumables are cheaper because you can also use vacuum bags, which are the most affordable.
  4. Some models have a carbonation function, the introduction of which further extends the shelf life of products - this also needs to be taken into account when discussing how to choose a vacuum sealer.

Tubeless devices have virtually no disadvantages, but they are quite expensive. These are professional installations that are often used when working with large volumes of products.

Therefore, when compiling a rating of vacuum sealers, it is worth mentioning tubeless models. They are simpler, just place the bag with the contents on the welding bar and pump out the air using a pump, and then weld the seam. This is how a vacuum sealer works. Such devices have their advantages:

  1. They cost less.
  2. Ideal for home use.
  3. They are quite compact and practically do not take up any usable space in the kitchen.
  4. You can pack different sizes of food, such as small sandwiches, cuts of meat, even a shoulder or leg of lamb.

How to choose the right model

After the classification of devices has been studied, it is worth figuring out how to choose a vacuum degasser. To do this, you should study exactly what functions it performs. Moreover, you need to pay attention to several parameters - the most important ones are described below.

Handling wet products

Vacuum packing machineOne of the first most important characteristics is related to how a vacuum sealer works for products that have liquid, for example, a piece of meat in a marinade. The fact is that when excess air is pumped out, some of the water and solution will inevitably end up on the welding seam.

Therefore, you need to choose devices that operate in the “Moist food” mode. The best vacuum sealer has this feature and more.Moreover, some modern models have a function that controls the temperature in the soldering area. If it is below the required level, an indicator message will appear. But you still need to use the device carefully so that liquid does not get into the pump.

“Gentle food” mode

There are also products that are easily deformed. It is easier to work with them in the “Gentle food” mode. It is associated with delicate, that is, gradual pumping of air when the pump is not operating at full capacity. Thanks to this, all “fragile” products, for example, strawberries or raspberries, and soft vegetables, are preserved intact.

Pulse mode

Some models have a “PULSE” option. This is work in pulse mode, that is, when the pump pumps out air with more or less power.

In this sense, it is clear which vacuum assistant to choose for your home. If it works in pulse mode, this makes it possible to replace the 2 options described above (working with delicate or wet products).

Just press the “PULSE” button and start the process. When it is noticeable that the bag is tightly wrapped around the products, and there is no risk of damage, you can stop it. Then you should seal the bag and put it in storage.

Availability of a removable camera

Another tip on how to choose a home vacuum sealer for food is related to the presence of a removable chamber. Sometimes during operation, liquid leaks from the packaging and enters the work area where the seam is being welded.

To prevent damage to the mechanism, a number of models install a plastic tray, which is a removable chamber. It is easy to remove, then drain the drained liquid and rinse it, and then put it back in place.

If there is no tray, you will have to wipe it separately with towels, since the packer itself cannot be washed - this is strictly forbidden.

Marinating mode

Vacuum packer for home - photo

A review of vacuum sealers should also take into account whether they can function in marinating mode. Its essence is that the pump carries out 2 processes - pumping out air to obtain a vacuum and, conversely, pumping it in.

As a result, under pressure, the meat fibers compress and then “relax.” Therefore, the pieces become softer and the marinade penetrates faster. It turns out that marinating takes 1-2 hours, but under normal conditions it would take 10-12 hours.

Availability of tray

The best home vacuum sealers have special trays with cutters that can be used to cut the film and store it. This is very convenient because the products come in different sizes. In addition, sometimes you need a lot of meat for marinating, and sometimes 2 servings are enough. Therefore, although such an addition is not necessary, it will not hurt.

Welding strip length

Another way to choose a vacuum cleaner for your home is to study the length of the welding strip. The width of the bags where the products will be stored depends on this parameter. For home use, medium-length slats are quite suitable.

Pump power

When considering which vacuum sealer to choose, you can also take into account the power of the pump. But for home purposes this parameter is not significant. In fact, it is only important for professional models.

It is clear why a vacuum sealer is needed. It can be used to pack meat, fish, berries, fruits and other products, which will significantly increase their shelf life. Choosing the right model is not so difficult.It should be easy to use and affordable.

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Vacuum cleaners

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