Tricolor error 4: what is it and how to fix it

When Tricolor gives error 4, this is due to a settings failure, for example, after an update or technical work on the operator’s side. In most cases, you can solve this problem yourself, but sometimes you have to contact a specialist. This article will tell you step by step what you need to do first.

Main reasons

To understand how to fix Tricolor error 4, you need to clarify the reasons for its occurrence. If such a code appears on the screen, it indicates problems with the hardware settings or a general system failure. In some cases, the solution is quite simple - you just need to turn on another channel and then return to the previous one.

But sometimes the malfunction is more serious. We can say about error 4 Tricolor that this is a breakdown that can occur for several reasons:

  • resetting program settings in the receiver;
  • incorrect TV channel format;
  • termination of access to the channel due to its exclusion from the list.


Quite often Tricolor TV shows error 4 after the equipment has been updated. Or the company carried out technical work, which could cause the settings to change. First of all, you can solve the problem yourself - the main methods are described below.

What you can do yourself

If error 4 Tricolor TV appears, and what happened is unclear, it is recommended to act as follows:

  1. Go to the receiver menu.
  2. Select the channel search option.
  3. Confirm the action and start looking for channels (and only the provider, and not all of them).
  4. Reboot the receiver - disconnect it from the network and wait a few seconds, then turn it on again.

As a rule, these actions help, and you no longer need to figure out what Tricolor TV error 4 means. But it may also be that even a reboot did not give anything. Then you will have to reset the settings to factory settings - this is the advice that appears on the screen. To solve the problem in this way, follow several steps:

  1. Without specifying what this means - Tricolor error 4, you should simply go to the main menu using the remote control.
  2. Then go to the settings section.
  3. Enter the code “0000”.
  4. Select an item with factory settings.
  5. For Tricolor error number 4 to disappear, press the red button and wait until the system reboots.
  6. After finishing, the receiver is disconnected from the network for a few seconds and the plug is reinserted into the socket.
  7. Then you can perform a standard channel search.

You should also figure out what to do when error 4 Tricolor appears again. This may be due to the fact that after a reboot the system incorrectly determines the location (city, region). Therefore, you should go into the settings again and determine the location correctly. And then reboot again.

Another way when error code 4 Tricolor appears not for the first time is to turn on channel 333. Then wait a few minutes until the update is completely installed (the system will warn you about this automatically).

If all else fails

In rare cases, error number 4 appears even after completing all the steps taken. In this case, you should call the hotline, which operates 24 hours a day.To describe the problem and get a solution, you should prepare a smart card and also provide personal data:

  • Full name of the owner who owns the equipment;
  • contract number;
  • ID card.

When Tricolor TV error code 4 appears, you can contact it either by regular phone or by Skype. The latter option is more convenient, since the client can show the screen to the operator and describe the problem more clearly.

Tricolor error 4

During the consultation, the specialist will explain what error 4 means on Tricolor and what actions need to be taken to eliminate it. Usually the problem is solved remotely, via telephone conversation. Thanks to this, the question of what to do in case of error 4 Tricolor TV will no longer arise.

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