How much does it cost to change a sewer riser in an apartment? Cost of replacing sewer pipes in an apartment

The answer to the question of how much it costs to replace a sewer riser in an apartment depends on the volume and type of work, the quality of materials, the pricing policy of a particular company, as well as the economic characteristics of the region. The minimum cost for such work is 12-15 thousand rubles. Current prices can be seen in the table below.

How is the cost calculated?

The cost of replacing a sewer riser in an apartment is estimated according to 2 principles - per unit of specific work and in rubles per linear meter. In the first case we are talking about the following types:

  • replacing the riser (there are options from cast iron to PVC and from PVC to PVC);
  • cleaning the cast iron bell;
  • caulking of a cast iron outlet;
  • purchasing new pipes - the price is usually indicated per set.

Cost of replacing the riser

How much it costs to change the sewer system in an apartment is also estimated in rubles per linear meter:

  • installation of new pipes without or with gating;
  • installation of a sololift (a special pump for the sewer system) without or with a tie-in;
  • pipe laying (carried out with or without gating);
  • dismantling the pipe (how much it costs to change a sewer riser depends on the material - cast iron, plastic or metal pipe).

Current prices 2023

If we talk specifically about how much it costs to change a sewer riser in an apartment, the average price will be 15-20 thousand rubles.Approximate data current for 2023 are presented in the table.

Type of workprice, rub.
Replacing the riser (cast iron on PVC)13000
Replacing the riser (PVC with new PVC)11000
Cleaning a cast iron bell600
Chasing a cast iron socket2000
Set of new pipes4000
Sololift installation2500
Dismantling a plastic pipe200*
Dismantling a cast iron or metal pipe500*
Installation of a new pipe1500*
Laying a sewer pipe200*

*price per linear meter

The amount it costs to replace sewer pipes in an apartment greatly depends on the region, the company’s pricing policy and specific types of work. In some cases, it can grow to 30-40 thousand rubles. and more.

How much does a replacement cost?

What to consider during repairs

It is important not only to calculate how much it costs to replace a sewer pipe, but also recommendations during repairs:

  1. It is best to plan repairs in the morning or afternoon when most neighbors are at work. If the load on the sewer system is small, all work can be completed much faster.
  2. In any case, you should warn all neighbors on the upper floors in advance about the sewerage closure during the repair.
  3. If you plan to carry out renovations in an apartment on the first or last floor, you will need access to neighbors - this point also needs to be discussed in advance.
  4. At the end of the work, it is recommended to insulate the riser with polyurethane foam slabs. They provide good sound insulation - the murmuring sounds of water will be barely audible.
  5. You can agree in advance with the master how much the sewage system in the apartment costs. Before the work is carried out, a contract is signed, and upon completion - an acceptance certificate.

Thus, the cost of replacing a sewer system in an apartment, even according to the minimum estimate, is 12-15 thousand rubles. It is better to trust repairs to specialists with many years of experience and good reviews.Since the sewerage system is important, it is not worth saving on work.

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