Heating radiator on drywall: how to hang it and how to secure it

It is possible to install the battery on drywall, but the fasteners must be inserted into the main wall. The weight of the structure is quite large, often exceeding 7-10 kg, so it is better to make a reliable base. Instructions on how to attach a heating radiator to drywall will help with this. A step-by-step description of the process with photos and explanations can be found in the presented article.

Preparatory stage

Before you understand how to hang a battery on drywall, you need to take into account the engineering requirements for the location of the radiator:

  • there should be at least 6 cm from the window sill to the battery;
  • minimum height from the floor surface – 10 cm;
  • distance from the wall – at least 2 cm.

The battery must be open on all sides, i.e. Do not touch closely to any surface. This requirement ensures heating safety and efficiency.

At the preliminary stage, it is also necessary to prepare tools and devices:

  • drill;
  • hammer;
  • construction level;
  • screwdrivers;
  • construction tape;
  • drill at least 10 cm long;
  • putty knife;
  • radiator brackets.

How to fix a heating radiator

Step-by-step installation instructions

The installation process itself is not very complicated. You can understand how to attach heating radiators to drywall using the example of a bimetallic battery having 5 sections. Its weight is 7-10 kg. Fastening is carried out using brackets that are mounted in the main wall. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A drawing is drawn up and markings are made on it, indicating the points where the fasteners will be installed. To measure distances, use a tape measure and transfer the marks to a sheet of drywall. To increase accuracy, it is recommended to use a building level.How to attach heating radiators to drywall - 1
  2. If the wall is concrete, then dowels of the appropriate diameter are used to install the bracket. During the work you will need special drills made from Pobedit. If the base is wooden, a dowel is not needed - the bracket is installed using a drill for working on wood or metal.How to attach heating radiators to drywall - 2
  3. Take a drill and place the drill strictly at the intended point. Drill at low speeds to the wall surface. Then they work at full speed with moderate pressure on the drill. As a result, the depth of the hole should be slightly greater than the length of the dowel (+2 cm).How to attach heating radiators to drywall - 3
  4. The next step in the instructions on how to attach the battery to drywall involves installing the dowel. It is put on the drill, placed in the resulting hole and inserted into the wall until it stops. In this case, the pressure on the drill should be moderate, otherwise the dowel will twist with the drill.How to attach heating radiators to drywall - 4
  5. Insert the bracket into the holes and slowly screw it in, moving clockwise. In the process, you need to adjust the length of the fastener, preventing it from going too deep.How to attach heating radiators to drywall - 5
  6. Do the same with the second bracket. This is the final stage of the instructions on how to hang a radiator on drywall. Now you can install the radiator.How to attach heating radiators to drywall - 6
  7. Hang the battery and check the parallelism of the floor using a building level.How to attach heating radiators to drywall - 7

Now it’s clear how to hang a heating radiator on drywall. Light weight batteries, for example, from 2-3 sections, can be installed in the material itself, and not in the main wall. But in order not to take risks, it is better to drill holes and insert dowels, and then brackets.This is the most reliable installation method.

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