Inappropriate neighbors and how to deal with them competently: what to do, how to behave

If inadequate neighbors create unsanitary conditions, constantly make noise, behave rudely, you need to start fighting them. As a rule, simple negotiations do not help, so you should not once again provoke a quarrel. It is necessary to record all facts of violation and contact the local police officer, the police or other authorities. The main ways to solve the problem are described below.

Police or local police officer

The main way to deal with inappropriate neighbors is to involve the police or a local police officer. The option of peaceful negotiations should not be considered, because if people react inadequately to comments, dialogue can lead to a serious conflict that will only bring harm.

Inappropriate neighbors

You can try to use “soft power” in the form of negotiations only collectively, uniting with other residents on the floor or entrance. However, even this measure of influence does not always work.

Therefore, if the question arises of what to do with inadequate neighbors, it is better to contact law enforcement agencies. There are 2 options here:

  1. If there is a clear violation that needs to be “extinguished” as quickly as possible, you should call the police.
  2. If the danger is low, but the order is nevertheless violated, you need to call the local police officer.

The police are called only when there are clear signs of wrongdoing.This is loud music from 22:00 to 07:00, shouting, obscene language, assault, appearing drunk. Something needs to be done with inadequate neighbors, but not “with your own hands,” but through the police. Moreover, before arrival, it is necessary to carefully record all the facts of the violation on a video camera, voice recorder, and also by inviting witnesses.

As a rule, the police limit themselves to warnings. Moreover, it is important to ask for a copy of the report or take a high-quality photo. In the future, this document will become the main evidence that the residents are violating the order.

You can call the local police officer in the same way. On the first visit, as a rule, he only conducts a preventive conversation. But in the future, the employee can come again, and in extreme cases, register the citizen.

Other authorities

There are other ways to deal with inadequate neighbors in a legally competent manner. It also happens that residents neglect the apartment, bring it to an unsanitary state, which causes bad odors and other negative consequences. In such cases, you must contact the following authorities as quickly as possible:

  • Housing Inspection;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • Management company or HOA;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

The inappropriate neighbor is clearly disturbing all the residents. Therefore, it is better to draw up a collective appeal, attract witnesses, draw up written testimony and save them.

Inadequate neighbor


Going to court is always the last resort on how to deal with inappropriate neighbors. This measure is resorted to if the tenant poses a real danger, for example, threatens violence, can blow up the house due to a domestic gas leak, or does not allow one to sleep at night.

In some cases, a citizen may be evicted from their home.We are talking about real estate that is provided under a social tenancy agreement. But it is extremely difficult to expel the owner himself, since this will require providing strong evidence. Sometimes a citizen is sent for a compulsory psychiatric examination, after which they may be temporarily isolated for treatment.

Unfortunately, there are not many ways to solve the problem of inadequate neighbors. But still they exist. Moreover, the more evidence you provide, the more effective the measures of influence will be. Another argument is to unite all residents on the floor, entrance or house to solve the problem collectively. As a last resort, you can contact local media (newspapers, TV, radio) to attract public attention to the situation.

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