Air washing for home: ranking of the best 2021, technical specifications
Let's imagine a situation: one of your family members brought a cat into the house, and you are allergic. Anger, constant sneezing, runny nose or even rash and scabies - this is what is already before your eyes and awaits you in the future. However, this can be avoided by choosing an air cleaner for your home.
Air washer is a rather strange name, but such a device really exists. This is a multitasking device that purifies the air while also humidifying it. Thanks to washing, the indoor microclimate improves, which also improves the health and general well-being of users. One device is enough to get rid of dust mites, flower dust and other allergens, including everyone’s favorite cat or dog hair.
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Why a washer and not a simple humidifier?
To compare the two devices, we will outline the significant advantages and disadvantages of our device over a humidifier.
- There is no need to additionally buy consumables that the humidifier operates on;
- Moisture is created “naturally” - no chemical impurities, condensation or other troubles;
- The device can even be placed in a nursery - no noise;
- The device does not require constant monitoring and maintenance.
Disadvantage: washing does not provide the desired microclimate for specific plants. Therefore, if you are planning to set up a greenhouse, it is better to buy an air humidifier.
Choosing a quality model
To find out which home air washer is included in the best rating, you need to understand the basic rules for choosing it. Keep top recommendations.
The equipment is assembled from a medium-power fan, as well as a certain number of drums. They will be wetted with water from the tank during operation. All dust that settles on the blades is sent to a separate compartment. And at the same time you get air saturated with moisture. This is how a home washer works.
The operating power of the equipment directly depends on the strength of the installed fan. Typically, all circulating air passes through the apparatus 2-3 times per day. The device operates silently and does not waste a lot of electricity - you do not need to worry about excessive sounds and overpaying for utilities.
When choosing a device in a store, look at its working area. Most often, sinks are installed in the bedroom - quality air directly affects the level of sleep and the time of the deep phase. An important point is that the sink will not work effectively for several rooms; buy a cheaper model, but it will consume less energy and can easily handle the air in one room.
When compiling the rating of the best air washers in 2021, we relied on reviews from experts, buyers, technical parameters and, of course, the price of the device. Next we will talk about the 3 best models that combine all these parameters.
Top 2021 - which sink to choose for your home
Atmos Aqua-3800
Budget segment. The sink is capable of working on an area of up to 40 square meters. m. The body is spherical, made of plastic. The advantage of the equipment is the presence of additional bactericidal impregnation, which helps to collect harmful substances in the air.The design of the device additionally has the function of aromatizing the room.
AIC S135
Maximum area - 30 sq. m. The sink has a unique hydrofiltration function. What is its essence: the air is additionally saturated with water molecules, evenly and gently distributing moisture throughout the room. This technique can achieve a humidity level of 50-60% in the bedroom. The equipment has only one adjustment lever - away with a bunch of buttons and incomprehensible modes. It operates in two versions: standard and silent. The first one works at full power, and the second one is ideal to install at night.
Fanline VE200
High build quality is the first thing that catches your eye when you see this sink. Additional functions: ozonation and ionization. Remember that pleasant smell of asphalt after rain? It can be achieved with just one device. In these conditions, you should leave the room and then open the window for ventilation. The result is maximum cleaning of the room from harmful substances and impurities in the air. The quality of the water poured into the tank does not matter - you can even take it from the tap.
We hope that you will listen to all the recommendations and choose a universal sink for your home. Share your purchases and tips in the comments. Good luck!